My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1229 A generation of tyrants

Emperor Tiande, Prince Yuanlong! This time, the expressions of everyone in the audience also changed.

Emperor Tiande is the most famous emperor in the history of Xinghua Kingdom, and even one of the most famous emperors in the history of the entire Tianji Continent, but it is not a good name, but the name of a generation of tyrants.

Legend has it that his strength has reached the limit of the Tianji Continent, and even surpassed the major temples. The Tianji Continent has always respected the strong and admired his strength. The strongest cavalry.

Logically speaking, with such strength, prestige, and military strength, Xinghua Country should have become the most prosperous country on the continent, and the people of Xinghua should also be the happiest people in Tianji Continent, but the fact is not in this way.

Emperor Tiande spent his whole life in a military campaign, pouring all the power of the country to conquer the Quartet, trying to dominate the world. And his favorite Prince Yuanlong is also very talented and powerful, and compared to Emperor Tiande, he is more ambitious and cruel.

Under the leadership of their father and son, Xinghua Kingdom's iron cavalry fought east and west, and defeated dozens of surrounding countries in just over ten years. Many innocent people died tragically under their butcher's knives.

But defeat does not mean conquest. Even the world-destroying looting failed to destroy the Tianji Continent. How could the tenacious people of all countries be so easily conquered?

The killing of Emperor Tiande and Prince Yuanlong finally aroused public outrage, and nearly a hundred countries declared war on Xinghua at the same time. Emperor Tiande and Prince Yuanlong, no matter how strong they are personally, they cannot surpass the entire Tianji Continent, and it is impossible to oppose the entire Tianji Continent's hundreds of millions of people. Under the siege of various countries, the Xinghua cavalry retreated steadily.

Years of fighting, but failed to really conquer, in addition to killing or killing, Xinghua's treasury has long been empty and the people are destitute. Seeing that if this continues, the country will be in danger of being overthrown. The domestic subjects have written petitions, hoping to end this meaningless war sign. Who would have thought that Prince Yuanlong would raise his butcher knife and slaughter tens of thousands of subjects. Blood flowed into rivers in the capital overnight, and after a month, the water in the moat was still blood-stained.

The massacre of Prince Yuanlong finally quelled the opposition in the country, and he could only helplessly watch the empire go to ruin, and even those strong men who followed him left one by one.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment of Xinghua Kingdom, Emperor Tiande died suddenly, but at the end of his life, he continued to push Xinghua Kingdom into the abyss. Fortunately, only one day after ascending the throne, Prince Yuanlong fell ill and died. In the end, Prince Yuanming succeeded to the throne.

The Yuan Ming prince was ordered to be in danger, but he was one of the most wise monarchs in the history of Xinghua. The first thing he did after succeeding to the throne was to negotiate a truce with other countries. The countries had been trampled by Xinghua's iron cavalry before, and they finally seized this rare opportunity for revenge, so how could they give up so easily? According to the peace treaty they proposed, Xinghua would pay compensation and cede territory to the country.

Facing the survival of the country, Emperor Yuan and Ming refused to give an inch, and then personally led the army to keep the enemy out of the country. Perhaps it was because of the lingering prestige of the Xinghua iron cavalry, or perhaps it was because of the indomitable unyieldingness of Emperor Yuanming, that the countries finally chose to give up.

Of course, after the defeat, compensation is still inevitable, but Xinghua's territory is not lost. Afterwards, in only a hundred years, Emperor Yuanming led his people out of the predicament, and Xinghua Kingdom returned to its former prosperity, and it is still one of the most powerful countries in the mainland.

This history of nearly 10,000 years ago has long since disappeared in the long years, but how could the people of Xinghua not know about it.

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