My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1230 This battle for imperial power

How could Lu Aochen mention Emperor Yuande at such a time, mention the Prince Yuanlong who almost cut off Xinghua completely, and according to him, Prince Yuanlong did not die of a sudden illness, but died under the assassination of Emperor Yuanming. In fact, this suspicion has long existed among the people. A few days after the sudden death of Emperor Tiande, Prince Yuanlong, who had just ascended the throne for a day, died of an illness. How can there be such a coincidence in the world.

However, Emperor Tiande and Prince Yuanlong almost pushed Xinghua into the abyss. It was their death that saved Xinghua and hundreds of millions of people. After a long time, no one mentioned this matter anymore. If Lu Aochen hadn't mentioned it today, many people would have even gradually forgotten it.

Seeing Lu Aochen's eyes full of hatred, a thought came to everyone's mind: Could it be that he is...

"Are you a descendant of Prince Yuanlong?" His Majesty was silent for a moment before asking.

"No, I'm not a descendant of Prince Yuanlong, I'm a descendant of Emperor Yuanlong, and I'm from the Yuanlong lineage, which is what everyone expects! Back then, your Yuanming lineage murdered your brother to usurp the throne and deceive the world. Today, I will Taking back everything that belonged to the late emperor, I will fulfill the long-cherished wish of the late emperor and lead Xinghua to glory again." Lu Aochen violently tore off his outer shirt, revealing the apricot-yellow dragon robe inside.

There was an uproar in the audience. Although they had already guessed what was going on, they were still shocked when they saw Lu Aochen's dragon robe and this battle for imperial power.

"You are right. Prince Yuanlong did die at the hands of the late emperor. This matter has been lied to the world for so many years, and it should be revealed to the world. This throne should belong to your Yuanlong lineage." What shocked them even more was that His Majesty actually confessed what happened back then.

Lu Aochen also had a look of surprise on his face, he never thought that the other party would admit so frankly about the assassination of Prince Yuanlong back then, and he was a little puzzled for a while.

"However, don't you know why my ancestors of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties did this? After many years of conquest, I have revived the people without a living. Now, in order to quell the voice of opposition, Prince Yuanlong raised his butcher knife at the people of Xinghua. If it wasn't for saving Xinghua, or for saving hundreds of millions of people, why would our ancestors of Yuan and Ming kill their brothers and usurp the throne? Ming Yimai, why should he bear the eternal infamy?

Don't you want to take back the throne? Alright, as long as you really care about the common people, and future generations will no longer have the heart to fight for world domination, and you will not let my Xinghua’s hundreds of millions of people suffer from swords and soldiers, and your wives and children will no longer be separated, and you will no longer be displaced, I will return this throne to you. what can you do

Unfortunately, what you want is to realize the ambitions of Emperor Tiande and Prince Yuanlong. What you want is still to dominate the world. Therefore, this throne will not be handed over to you no matter what! "His Majesty said loudly.

"Yes, the throne cannot be handed over to him!"

"My Xinghua country was once in danger, and we must not repeat the same mistakes!" Countless people roared in the audience.

Although the battle for the throne can be said to be a family affair of the royal family, outsiders have no right to interfere, and ordinary people have no right to interfere, but when they think of the catastrophe nearly ten thousand years ago, everyone still feels shivering, how can they want the throne to fall? In the hands of someone like Lu Aochen.

Hearing the unanimous opposition from the audience, Lu Aochen's expression remained unchanged.

"Do you think you still have a choice?" Lu Zuochen said with a sneer.

"Bang!" On the viewing platforms on both sides, a Patriarch suddenly leaned forward and fell heavily to the ground. The faces of the others were all ashen, and cold sweat dripped down one by one.

Behind them, their accompanying guards fell one by one.

Even people with poor eyesight can see that this is a sign of poisoning!

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