My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1238 Reversal of the Situation

Speaking of this, Lu Aochen's eyes showed a bit of color. He has known Gu Fenghua and his group for a long time, and knows that each of them has their own persistence. If the person who deserves to be killed, they will never be soft-hearted, but if the other party does not take death, They will never kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Therefore, they were absolutely unwilling to watch these common people die under random arrows. Even if they knew it was his threat, they had no choice.

"What you said is very reasonable. The struggle for imperial power really has nothing to do with the common people. Anyway, you are also of the royal blood. When you become the emperor, Xinghua will still be Xinghua, and will not change names. They don't need to die for it. " Gu Fenghua nodded and said.

"So, have you figured it out?" Hearing what Gu Fenghua said, Lu Aochen felt a little inexplicably surprised.

"Didn't I just say that I'm sorry to disappoint you? Why can't you understand?" Gu Fenghua's eyes turned into those looking at idiots again.

At the end of the long street, a group of ordinary people suddenly appeared, with tears of joy streaming down their faces, they rushed towards the Fengchan Terrace at the fastest speed.

The common people in the audience looked at them strangely, the Zen altar was already on the verge of swords and arrows, and these people ran over, wouldn't that be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger, adding to the chaos?

But soon, they knew they were wrong.



Surrounded by those imperial guards holding their longbows tightly and pointing their arrows at the people, there were shouts of surprise. They subconsciously put down their longbows, but immediately raised them up again, but this time they aimed not at the common people, but at their colleagues—those officers or dead soldiers of the Lu family who were completely bribed by Lu Aochen.

Lu Aochen's face changed drastically. In the imperial guards, there were not many people who really surrendered to him. Most of them had to obey him because their relatives were imprisoned by him. And at this time, it was their relatives who rushed over. Obviously, the Imperial Guards around have completely lost control.

These people were obviously imprisoned by him in the secret prison of that old house. Gu Fenghua rushed from Qingxia Pass to the capital in only two days. He must have traveled all the way. How could he find and rescue them in such a short time? ?

Looking at the changes in the Imperial Guards around, Gu Fenghua let out a long sigh of relief.

After leaving Qingxia Pass, they rushed to the capital without stopping, but they never expected that Lu Aochen would act so cautiously. Even though he never heard from them, he guessed that most of them had already been rejected by Du Tianding, and he was still at the main road along the way. layer fortification.

Relying on the cultivation base of the Profound Sage Realm, Gu Fenghua overcame obstacles all the way, but it didn't take much effort, but it always took some time, and when he arrived in the capital, the ceremony of passing on the throne had already begun. Originally they wanted to go straight to the Fengchan Terrace, but at this moment someone found them and told them all about Lu Aochen's arrangement.

Gu Fenghua and the others discussed briefly, but decided that it is most important to rescue the imprisoned relatives of the imperial guards first. Although civil and military officials, heads of various families, and even princes and sons have fallen into Lu Aochen's hands, the real trump cards in his hands are actually those unarmed common people.

Civil and military officials are of course loyal to the imperial family, but they care most about the common people, as long as they threaten their lives, they will not bow their heads. Therefore, these people must be rescued before they can get rid of their worries and confront Lu Aochen head-on. And to save these common people, it is necessary to get rid of the imperial guards surrounding them, they are nearly ten thousand elite soldiers, no matter how strong they are, it is impossible to kill ten thousand enemies at the same time.

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