Fortunately, there are not many people in the Imperial Guard who really betrayed Lu Aochen, most of them were coerced by him, as long as their relatives were rescued, they would turn against Lu Aochen.

In fact, as they expected, as soon as they saw their relatives out of trouble, those imperial guards who were forced to rebel immediately turned their arrows, and the situation was completely reversed!

"Gu Fenghua, you did not disappoint me, but the officials of the court are still in my hands, the heads of the families are still in my hands, the princes are still in my hands, and your grandfather is also in my hands. Do you really think I dare not kill them?" Lu Aochen took a deep breath and said.

Gu Fenghua's guess was right, his real bargaining chip was actually the unarmed people in the audience, but he knew the truth that water can carry a boat and capsize it.

If it is not a last resort, he is not willing to take the people under the knife. After all, he is a regicide and usurpers the throne. Killing some officials and patriarchs who are unwilling to bow their heads is just following the trend, but if he raises the butcher knife to the people, it will definitely arouse civil uprisings in all directions. Under Heaven, dozens of patriarch officials were beheaded with thunderous means in order to frighten these people first, so as not to stir up civil uprisings.

It's a pity that his calculation fell into Gu Fenghua's eyes again, and he actually rescued the hostages at such a critical moment, prompting the imperial guards to fight back, and naturally the biggest bargaining chip in his hand was gone. But fortunately, including Gu Tianci, all civil and military officials, heads of families, princes and sons are still in his hands.

"As long as you dare to touch any of them, even if I, Gu Fenghua, risk my life, I will let you die without a place to bury you!" Gu Fenghua slowly raised his long sword, a blue holy bead flickered between his eyebrows .

Beside him, Luo Enen and the others also pulled out their long swords at the same time. His gaze was so determined, yet so absolute.

In fact, her heart is by no means as reckless as it seems on the surface. They are not wolf-hearted, how can they disregard the life and death of their loved ones, but they know that at this time, they must not show weakness, otherwise Lu Aochen will only become more unscrupulous.

Profound Sage! From Nether Sand Sea to now, how could she be promoted to Profound Sage in just a few months? Even Luo Enen and others have reached the ninth rank of Soul Saint!

Seeing the blue holy bead between Gu Fenghua's eyebrows and the red holy bead flashing alternately between the eyebrows of Luo Enen and others, Lu Aochen was shocked. Immediately, they clenched their fists tightly again: They must have found some extraordinary treasures in that stone palace, otherwise it would never be possible to improve their cultivation so quickly.

He tried his best to exhaust all means, and lost that many people, but in the end, it all took advantage of Gu Fenghua's group! The more Lu Aochen thought about it, the more angry he became, his heart was bleeding.

Of course, this kind of time is not the time to be sullen. Soon, he forced himself to calm down again, and his expression became extremely dignified.

The last time they fought, Gu Fenghua was only at the sixth rank of Soul Sage, and the others were much lower than her, so they could already compete with him. Although it took advantage of the sneak attack from behind, the power of that sword was still Absolutely not to be underestimated. Now that Gu Fenghua has been promoted to Profound Sage, and Luo Enen and others have also reached the ninth rank of Soul Sage, even if he doesn't need to sneak attack, he probably has no chance of winning.

The question is, can they really put the life and death of their loved ones at risk? Looking at the poisoned people on both sides of the viewing platform, and the resolute look in the eyes of Gu Fenghua and others, he suddenly hesitated.

In this world, for the sake of power and status, father and son turn against brothers and kill each other a lot, who can guarantee that Gu Fenghua and others will be exempt?

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