The Wuyin Chi Jinzhong was broken again and again, and the power of the divine weapon became weaker and weaker, but no matter how weak it was, the divine weapon was still a divine weapon, not comparable to ordinary magical weapons.

Until thousands of years ago, the Wuyin Chijinzhong was short-lived again, and then disappeared from people's sight forever, and never appeared again.

No one expected that this artifact would fall into Lu Aochen's hands.

Under the stage, the cheers of the common people had long subsided. Looking at the huge golden ancient clock on the Fengchan Stage, the flame of hope in their eyes was gradually extinguished.

Not only them, but also the civil and military officials and the heads of the various families secretly sighed.

Indeed, every time the Wuyin Chi Jinzhong is broken, every time it is re-smelted, the power of the divine weapon will decrease by one point, but it is still a divine weapon after all.

If Gu Fenghua and the others had all reached the realm of Profound Sage, they might be able to break the forbidden weapon, but except for Gu Fenghua who had just been promoted to Profound Sage, everyone else was just Soul Sage, how could it be possible to break such a divine weapon?

The truth is, as they thought.

"Om..." There was a long cry from the huge ancient clock with golden patterns circulating.

"Om..." The golden pattern circulated, and there was another long cry.

Next, there was a crackling and smashing sound.

Obviously, Gu Fenghua and others are trying to break the ancient clock and break out of the shackles, but the final result is in vain.

"I knew this ghost clock was so powerful, I wouldn't let Lu Aochen take it away even if I risked my life." Luo Enen swung his long sword and slashed wildly for a while.

The huge golden bell was turned upside down, imprisoning them in it. The runes on the clock wall made of fine gold and mithril were shining, but it was like a thin layer of clouds. Looking through the past, one could see From Lu Aochen's wild smiling face, one can also see the despair in the eyes of the people in the audience, the helplessness in the eyes of the heads of civil and military officials, princes and princesses.

Dozens of corpses were lying in a pool of blood. No matter the dignitaries or the common people, they knew that Xinghua Kingdom was powerless to recover. They just relied on their beliefs to persevere. Gu Fenghua's return finally made them hope again, but now, this hope was completely shattered.

"It's too late to say anything now, let's find a way to break the confinement." Gu Fenghua said.

In fact, last time in Luankong Mountain, even if they knew it was Wuyin Chijinzhong, they couldn't stop Lu Aochen from taking it away. After all, at that time, even her cultivation had not yet reached Xuansheng, so she was lucky to be able to sneak attack, Lu Aochen desperately wanted to take away Wuyin Chijinzhong despite being seriously injured, how could they stop it? If they had to be distracted to snatch this artifact, they would only die faster.

"Even our Yashen Ningxin can't help, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out." Ye Wuse shook his head and said.

Ye Wuse is by no means someone who is easily discouraged, but that's how it is. As soon as they were restrained by the Wuyin Chijinzhong, they immediately attacked with eight swords, but after several shots in succession, the Wuyin Chijinzhong was not damaged at all.

Hearing Ye Wuse's words, Luo Enen was even more anxious, and slashed out with another sword. But apart from a leisurely long cry, there was still nothing to achieve.

"Enn, don't worry, let me think about it." Gu Fenghua said.

"Fenghua, do you have a solution?" Luo Enen stopped and looked at Gu Fenghua expectantly.

Gu Fenghua didn't answer, even their strongest Yashen Ningxin Sword couldn't do anything, so she couldn't think of a way for a while.

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