My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1244 He Didn't Lie This Time

"Senior Gui Yezi, senior Gui Yezi?" Gu Fenghua called out in his heart. At this time, she could only ask Gui Yezi for help.

"Stop shouting, I'm trying to figure out a way." Gui Yezi's voice sounded in his mind.

Gu Fenghua quickly stopped and waited for the next sentence.

"No solution, no solution!" Not long after, Gui Yezi's voice sounded again.

"Even you can't do anything?" Gu Fenghua said disappointedly. Originally thought that the Wuyin Chi Jinzhong had been repeatedly broken and re-smelted, and it must be worse than before. With Gui Yezi's master-level weapon refining technique, he must be able to think of a way to break the weapon, but even he is helpless.

"This Wuyin Chijinzhong has been handed down to the present, but it has already been riddled with holes. I have thought of at least ten ways to break it." Just as he was disappointed, Gui Yezi said proudly.

"Then you said there is no way?" Gu Fenghua asked inexplicably.

"There are ways, but none of them can be accomplished overnight. It will take at least a month, and it also needs dozens of fine gold and mithril, such as white jade gold, green orchid sand, and black dark silver." Gui Yezi explained.

Gu Fenghua was speechless for a while, Lu Aochen usurped the throne, and now it is the most critical time, how could it be possible to give her a month, there are white jade gold, green orchid sand, black dark silver, etc., she has not even heard of it However, it is estimated that even Gui Yezi couldn't get it out by himself. After all, he still had no choice but to talk nonsense, but he didn't want to fall into the title of master craftsman of his generation.

"What's more, this Wuyin Chi Jinzhong can't last that long at all. I'm afraid it will take at most a quarter of an hour to..."

Before Gui Yezi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Aochen.

"Gu Fenghua, stop wasting your brains in vain. Even if you want to break your brains, you will never come up with this method of breaking weapons. Honestly admit defeat and serve me, Lu Aochen, from now on. I can protect your glory forever, and your fame will last forever Otherwise, not only your own lives will be in danger, but your families will also be exterminated!" Lu Aochen said with his hands behind his back, posing like a generation of heroes.

"I don't believe that you can trap us forever, as long as you dare to hurt anyone in my Luo family, one day, we will tear you to pieces!" Luo Enen cursed through gritted teeth.

If they wanted to bow their heads, they would bow their heads a long time ago, so how could they wait until now.

"I'm afraid, you don't have much time in your lifetime." Lu Aochen didn't get angry, but Shen Zhu said in his chest, "This Wuyin Chijinzhong has reached the limit of repairing and repairing, and there is at most another quarter of an hour of work." , it will explode on its own and turn into dust, and you will surely die if you are in it, and by that time, it will not be me, but you who will be smashed into pieces."

"What!" Lonen and the others were taken aback.

"Impossible, how could he be willing to destroy such an artifact so easily, Lu Aochen is despicable and insidious, he must be alarmist." Fang Tianyou said.

"Yes, we must not be fooled." Hearing Fang Tianyou's words, Luo Enen felt relieved.

"No, he didn't lie this time." Gu Fenghua smiled wryly.

What Lu Aochen said was exactly what Gui Yezi was interrupted in the middle of speaking. This time, Gui Yezi didn't say any more nonsense, but Gu Fenghua would rather that what he said was nonsense.

As soon as the words fell, the huge golden bell began to tremble violently. From that catastrophe to the present, tens of thousands of years have passed. The legendary artifacts have completely disappeared from the Tianji Continent one by one, but the Wuyin Chijinzhong has been broken time and time again, but it has been rebuilt again and again. Lian, which has been passed down to the present, relies on the powerful power of the divine weapon. Even though the power of the divine weapon is far inferior to that of the past, it is still not comparable to the magical weapon.

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