My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1245 Already in a desperate situation

It's a pity that with the death of those master craftsmen, the original refining method has long been lost, and every time it is re-smelted, it is actually a little more fragile than before. Up to now, this artifact can neither exert its strongest power , can't bear the power of the artifact. If the power of the divine weapon is not fully activated, it will be fine. Once fully activated, it will explode and shatter, and there is no possibility of re-smelting.

"Gu Fenghua, there is still a quarter of an hour, no, it is less than a quarter of an hour, I will give you one last chance, as long as you submit to me, I will take back the Wuyin Chijinzhong and let you live." Lu Aochen shouted loudly .

While speaking, his heart was bleeding again. Now that the Wuyin Chi Jinzhong is taken back, it will not burst into pieces, but the power of the artifact will still dissipate on its own. This artifact that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years will also become a scrap of copper and iron forever.

Originally, he regarded the Wuyin Chi Jinzhong as his greatest reliance in fighting for hegemony in the world. After all, even if he could not fully exert the power of its greatest divine weapon, its strong defense is still rare in the world. No one would have thought that there is no real Ascension to the throne and proclaiming the emperor was wasted on Gu Fenghua and others.

But fortunately, Gu Fenghua and others are very talented and strong, as long as they are willing to surrender to him, they will surely help him achieve great things, and the effect is not worse than a divine weapon, so it is worth it. So far, he can only comfort himself.

With the trembling of the huge golden bell, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds surged, and the whole earth trembled accordingly. Even people with no cultivation base can feel the powerful and irrepressible terrifying energy inside Jin Zhong.

Lu Aochen's words are obviously not alarmist, Gu Fenghua and others are in a desperate situation, unless they submit to this, there is no way out.

Under the Fengchan platform, all the people were ashamed, and on the viewing platforms on both sides, the heads of the families and the civil and military officials also looked sad. Even Fang Shibo and Xie Huaiyuan, the leaders of the temple, could only let out a long sigh.

Luo Enen and the others didn't speak any more, their eyes all stayed on Gu Fenghua. At this time, they are unwilling to put any pressure on Gu Fenghua, and they will not argue about anything. No matter what they choose, it is up to Gu Fenghua to make the decision, no matter life or death, there is no complaint or regret.

The huge pressure almost made Gu Fenghua unable to breathe.

"Could it be that he really just gave up, surrendered to Lu Aochen, helped the tyrant, and led the Xinghua Kingdom and hundreds of millions of people to perish? No, there must be a way, and there must be a way." Gu Fenghua forced himself to calm down, think hard, and want to Find out how to break the weapon.

However, with Gui Yezi's art of refining weapons, she could think of nothing in such a short period of time.

Time passed quickly, and the huge golden bell trembled more and more violently. A huge force had quietly escaped, like a mountain pressing down on them. Constantly thinking hard, Gu Fenghua only felt that his headache was about to split, and his forehead was sweating like rain.

"Aooooanganggumimigu..." The little bear cub appeared at some point, pouted his buttocks, put his head on Gu Fenghua's waist and acted like a baby, and a series of animal language came out of his mouth.

"Speak in human language!" Gu Fenghua was in a state of desperation, how could he be in the mood to watch it act coquettishly and cutely.

"Can I eat it? It looks delicious." Little Xiong Cub bit his finger, trying to act coquettishly, but pretended to be cute.

"If you want to eat, eat it." Gu Fenghua said impatiently, and didn't have time to pay attention to what it wanted to eat.

"Okay, okay." The little bear cub cheered happily, and rushed out with his buttocks twisted.

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