My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1269 It's not bad to recall childhood

His thoughts drifted back slowly, Gu Fenghua looked at the rabbit in Jiang Li's hand, the skin had already been peeled off and put aside. Why is this rabbit's fur red?

Jingtian Peak has three meals a day, steamed buns and porridge for breakfast, occasionally a meal of meat buns or dry rice at noon, and dry rice and side dishes in the evening.

Although Jiang Li was working hard to improve their food, Gu Fenghua still ate with tears in his heart, she is a carnivore. If you want to eat meat, you want to eat meat every day. However, conditions do not allow it now. Then we have to find a way to improve it.

Gu Fenghua later found out that Fei Tianzong was very poor, and he also knew that they did not admit that they were poor. Such a hard life, they euphemistically called it, it was tempering their minds. Cultivators should not be heavy on their appetites. The Feitian sect exchanged the few money they had for cultivation resources. Otherwise, if the money is spent elsewhere, how can we exchange for cultivation resources?

"Little brother, let's go grab some wild game." Two days later, Gu Fenghua finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"You want to go to the back mountain? You can't, you can't, the brother said it's very dangerous there." Lang Zhuyue hurriedly waved his hands and refused, with an anxious expression on his face.

"It's okay, don't worry, let's take a look at the edge. If there is any situation, we will run away, okay?" Gu Fenghua blinked.

"Okay..." Lang Zhuyue looked at Gu Fenghua's big black eyes, her mind stopped thinking, she agreed, and when she realized what she said, she shook her head hastily, "No, no! It's too dangerous .”

"Don't worry." Gu Fenghua said with a smile, turned around and walked back to the mountain, "Little brother has promised, you can't go back on your word." Gu Fenghua thought about the cheats that Lang Zhuyue showed her these days , Those are the basic exercises of the Feitian School, and they are not very useful to read, but of course Gu Fenghua will not say it. She still looked at it carefully, and then asked her elder brother Jiang Li something about this world.

With Jiang Li's explanation, Gu Fenghua got a general idea. But it is also a bit depressed, because the Promise Holy Heaven is really too big. Finding Lornen and the others is like looking for a needle in a haystack. So Gu Fenghua didn't bother with this matter anymore. None of her friends were simple.

Not to mention Fatty Bai, who are stable and mature, even Fang Tianyou has become a lot more mature after going through so many things. Not to mention Luo Enen, the "son of destiny", Gu Fenghua believes that Luo Enen's luck against the sky can turn bad luck into good fortune no matter what. So Gu Fenghua believed that no matter what situation they encountered, they could handle it.

And myself, maybe the worst one. Turning into a child, his strength has plummeted, and the most important thing is that he still can't eat enough...

In this case, it's not easy for her to take out the contents of the storage bracelet. Think of a way in the future, and take it slowly.

After Gu Fenghua figured this out, he was not in a hurry to find his little partner. The most important thing today is to find a way to restore your original appearance and strength. Gu Fenghua guessed that when she regained her original appearance and strength, she should be able to get in touch with Gui Yezi and Little Bear Cub. Even her black giant sword is now lying quietly in the storage bracelet, completely ignoring Gu Fenghua.

The purpose is very clear, but Gu Fenghua has no idea how to restore the original appearance. Thinking of it, it was very sudden from a little chicken to a human being. Gu Fenghua guessed that it should be due to the power of the Phoenix in his body. After this protective force disappears, it should be able to return to its original state, right?

Thinking that it should only be a matter of time, Gu Fenghua became a child without any psychological burden. Well, it's not bad to recall my childhood!

Gu Fenghua took his little brother to the back mountain to improve the food.

It's just that after walking out of Jingtian Peak, I met a few arrogant-looking little kids.

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