My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1270 Let's see who beats who!

When Gu Fenghua saw the expressions of these little kids, he felt itchy and wanted to beat someone up, what should he do?

Sure enough, when these little brats opened their mouths, it was not a good word.

"Hey, isn't this the crybaby Lang Zhuyue?"

"Crying Baozi, where are you going?"

The little kids saw Lang Zhuyue from a distance, and they sarcastically sarcastically walked towards this side quickly.

Lang Zhuyue's expression changed, she stopped, but she still stood firmly, keeping Gu Fenghua behind her. He said that he will protect the little junior sister in the future, and he will definitely protect it.

"Little brother, are these the brats who snatched your chicken leg last time?" Gu Fenghua asked Lang Zhuyue in a low voice. A few six or seven-year-old brats, if they don’t learn well, they will know how to bully their classmates. What is it if they are not bears? And what do bear kids need most? What is needed most is to be beaten. If one beating is not good enough to teach, then two beatings will be given!

"It's them. But they are human beings, not bear kids." Lang Zhuyue obviously didn't understand what bear kids really mean, Lang Zhuyue answered in a low voice and then said eagerly, "You run first, I'll hold them back later , you run back and look for senior brother."

snort! Gu Fenghua snorted coldly in his heart, if she was bullied by a few brats who were just Dou Sheng today, where would she put the face of Miss Gu Wu? Back then, she was the one who dared to snatch the candy from the little prince! Who didn't have a bear when they were young? Let's see who bears who! Anyway, she is still a child now, bullying these children, well, there is no psychological burden!

These brats who will be beaten in a while will cry for their father and mother!

The script in Gu Fenghua's heart was written, but...

Sometimes changes happen faster than planned.

After speaking, five brats stepped forward and surrounded Lang Zhuyue and the others.

"Hey, there's someone else?" The bear boy in the lead saw someone behind Lang Zhuyue, and shouted, "Did you Jingtian Peak pick up a tow bottle?"

"Little Junior Sister is not an oil bottle!" Lang Zhuyue blushed angrily, clenched his fists, and couldn't help wanting to do it.

"Are you talking about me?" Gu Fenghua came out from behind Lang Zhuyue, with a dangerous smile on his face.

However, Gu Fenghua thought he was smiling dangerously, but these brats were dumbfounded.

My mother, where did the little fairy come from? Although this little fairy is a bit fat, she still looks good and is so cute. It's amazing, the thoughts of these brats at the moment are exactly the same as Jiang Li's thoughts at that time!

"Little, Junior Sister, you..." The bear boy in the lead stuttered, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"Who is your little junior sister, what are you shouting about!" Lang Zhuyue became anxious when she heard this, and shouted at the leader of the brat.

"They're all from the Feitian Sect, so why aren't you a little junior sister?" Xiongzi was thick-skinned, he smiled, and looked at Gu Fenghua flatteringly, "Little junior sister, let's take you to play and give you delicious food, okay? ?”

"Yes, Junior Sister, we will take you to play."

"I'll give you my chicken legs."

After seeing Gu Fenghua, the few brats couldn't look away. Oh, it's so cute, why isn't it a disciple of my own peak? Why not my little junior sister?

The corner of Gu Fenghua's mouth twitched. what's up? What about the picture of these brats coming up to show off their might and then being beaten up by themselves? With such a pleasing appearance, how could she have the nerve to beat someone up?

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