My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1271 In fact, we are very rare

Gu Fenghua really didn't know how lethal he was when he was a child. Chubby, with red lips and white teeth, pink and jade-carved, exquisite like a doll in New Year pictures, it makes people want to hug it when they see it.

What Gu Fenghua didn't know was that Fei Tianzong's yang flourished and yin declined to the extreme. Originally, the Feitian Sect had a small population, and ninety-nine percent of them were male disciples! Female disciples, you can count on two hands. As for the good-looking ones, sorry, I may not be able to count them.

So when they saw Gu Fenghua who looked like a little fairy, the group of brats changed their attitudes.

"I won't play with you, you snatched my little brother's chicken leg. You are not good boys, I don't like good boys." Gu Fenghua stared at the group of brats, ignored them, and pulled Lang Zhuyue to leave. With the attitude of these brats, Gu Fenghua couldn't beat them up, forget it, just ignore them.

Lang Zhuyue was in panic at first, afraid that her junior sister would really play with these guys and ignore her, but when she heard what her junior sister said, she held her hand again, and her heart was full of joy.

Holding Gu Fenghua's soft chubby hand, Lang Zhuyue raised her head, glared at the group of brats, and then led Gu Fenghua away.

A group of brats froze in place, watching the two leave, forgetting to move.

"Hmph, what are you dragging? Isn't it because there is a junior sister! Don't play with us, we don't care about it." A child said unhappily, but it was obvious that he lacked confidence in his words.

But the other children didn't speak, they all looked at Lang Zhuyue's back enviously. Pull, of course pull, rare, in fact, we are very rare. Such a cute little junior sister, I want one too.

"Hey? Look, is the direction they are going in the direction of the back mountain?" Hao Feirong, the brat in the lead, came back to his senses and said in surprise.

"Yes, what are they going there for? Master said it's very dangerous there." Kong Ning, another brat, frowned.

"Follow me quickly to see if something really happened. The little junior sister is so cute..." There was a brat with a weak voice, but he spoke out everyone's heartfelt thoughts.

The five brats quickly chased after them, but they didn't rush up to speak, but followed behind not far or near.

When Gu Fenghua followed Lang Zhuyue to the foot of Houshan Mountain, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

There is no other reason, beauty!

The back mountain is really beautiful. Looking at it, there is a red leaf. Red like fire, all over the mountains and plains, the red is so unreal, like a dream. There is a thick layer of red leaves on the ground, which creaks when stepped on.

"Senior Brother said, this is also called Zhudan Mountain. The leaves are red all year round, so it is called Zhudan Mountain. Ah, there are many animals with red fur." ​​Lang Zhuyue looked at the front timidly. , said cautiously, "Little sister, as you said, just look around here, don't go in, there may be very ferocious monsters inside, we can't beat them. Brother said he can only walk around the periphery turn."

"Well, let's catch a fish and go back, and catch a rabbit if there is a rabbit?" Gu Fenghua looked at the stream at the foot of the mountain and walked there.

"I don't know how to catch fish..." Lang Zhuyue said timidly in a low voice.

"I will." Gu Fenghua said that he had already stood by the stream, and was a little surprised to see the fish in the crystal clear stream. Fish, too, are all red. Is there anything magical about this mountain?

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