My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1283 The other party came to poach the wall

"This is the little fat girl you picked up, uh, the kid you picked up?" He Jinshui originally wanted to say little fat girl, but he was afraid that Gu Fenghua would not want to go with him when he heard that she was unhappy, so The words came to the lips and changed again.

"Yes, her name is Gu Fenghua." Jiang Li frowned slightly, always feeling that He Jinshui's intention for coming was not pure, and it might not be a good thing.

"She was the one who made those heavenly elixirs yesterday, didn't she?" He Jinshui talked to Jiang Li, but his eyes turned to Gu Fenghua again. The more I look at it, the more I like it. She is cute, chubby, and very talented in alchemy. This kid should be their disciple of Changtian Peak.

"Yes. Uncle He, please speak up if you have something to say." Jiang Li didn't want to go around in circles anymore.

"This child is so talented, you have the heart to bury her talent? She should be a disciple of our Changtian Peak. If she apprentices with me, I will definitely teach her all." Qicun, if you directly say that I have a crush on this child and want to take her as an apprentice, Jiang Li will definitely not agree. But if it was for the good of the child, Jiang Li might agree.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Jiang Li knew that the other party was here to poach someone, but she remained silent.

"No, Junior Sister is ours. She has already apprenticed as a teacher." Lang Zhuyue became anxious when she heard this. He didn't understand much of the truth, but he understood that He Jinshui wanted to snatch the junior sister away and worship him as his teacher.

"My lord is talking, and children don't want to interrupt." He Jinshui glared at Lang Zhuyue, then turned to look at Jiang Li, "Although I said I was an apprentice, but I didn't prepare a list at Chongtian Peak, right, so, strictly Speaking of which, this child is not considered a disciple of your Jingtian Peak."

Jiang Li remained silent.

Brother Liu looked a little ashamed, originally he wanted to tell his master that Jiang Li had picked up a child with unfathomable aptitude. As a result, the master's face changed when he saw those pills, and he kept asking about it. Then I ran to dig the wall early in the morning. What the master did was really unkind, but when he thought about it, if Xiao Fenghua's alchemy talent was really buried like this, he would feel very sorry.

Under the entanglement between the two, he could only remain silent.

"I am, I am a disciple of Jingtian Peak." Gu Fenghua said suddenly at this time, but his tone was unusually solemn. It's just that everyone listened to her cute voice, but no one took her opinion seriously.

"How about it, think about it?" He Jinshui urged.

Before Jiang Li could speak, Gu Fenghua spoke again: "I am very grateful to this old man for his great love for me, but I will be a teacher for a day and a teacher for life. Since I have served tea and kowtowed, it is natural that I have become a teacher. It's the disciple of Jingtian Peak. Please come back, old man."

After Gu Fenghua finished speaking in a calm tone, several adults present finally looked at her squarely and cast their eyes on her.

After hearing this, He Jinshui was not only not annoyed, but even more delighted. Such a small person, but with such an extraordinary bearing, I really found a treasure, I found a treasure.

"Xiao Fenghua, do you know what you are talking about? Do you know the meaning of what you said?" Jiang Li squatted down and looked at Gu Fenghua at the same level. At this moment, he did not treat Gu Fenghua like a child, but listened to her seriously. Opinion.

"Yes, I made it very clear. I have already worshiped the teacher. Thank you for your kindness, old man, but since I am already a disciple of the master, I cannot change to your sect. Sorry." Gu Fenghua chubby A look of apology floated on his face, and the hearts of those who watched softened.

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