My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1284 The little chubby girl is not a fat duck!

"Then..." He Jinshui looked at the apology on Gu Fenghua's little face, a little annoyed and a little funny. But only not angry.

"Since you don't want to be a teacher, that's fine." Senior Brother Qu snorted coldly.

"This senior brother, I'm very sorry. But since the little senior brother picked me up, the two senior brothers took care of me wholeheartedly. And following the two senior brothers, I am also very happy." Gu Fenghua looked at the senior brother who had a cold nose, and said .

Brother Qu never expected that Gu Fenghua would turn his head and talk to him, and he was so polite! Senior Brother Qu suddenly turned his face away, ahhhh, so cute!

But Senior Brother Qu's actions seemed to everyone that he was very unhappy and dissatisfied with Gu Fenghua's choice.

I am wrong QAQ.

"Okay, little fat girl, if you want to learn alchemy, let your senior brother bring you to me, okay? Although you don't have a teacher, I can still teach you." He Jinshui liked it just now, It turned into liking and appreciation, so he became more amiable towards Gu Fenghua. Even said such a thing.

Before Gu Fenghua could speak, Jiang Li and Senior Brother Liu spoke at the same time.

"Thank you, Uncle He."

"Thank you, Master."

Gu Fenghua narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Thank you, Uncle He."

He Jinshui glared at Senior Brother Liu angrily: "Okay, let's go, let's see what you did, let the master see a fat duck, but in the end, you can't even eat it. Let's go!"

Brother Liu gave a shy smile and followed behind He Jinshui.

Senior Brother Qu also followed behind, but after taking two steps, he looked back at Gu Fenghua, unexpectedly Gu Fenghua was looking at him. Gu Fenghua showed him a bright smile. Senior Brother Qu staggered, turned around and walked even faster.

Listening to He Jinshui's metaphor, Gu Fenghua's expression was a bit indescribable.

Comparing yourself to a fat duck? really good? Although I am a little fat, but compared to a fat duck, it is too much. I'm not a fat duck!

When He Jinshui walked far away, Brother Liu asked him cautiously: "Master, you have never seen Xiao Fenghua concocting alchemy, so do you believe that she made those elixirs?"

"How many catties and taels you weigh, do you know?" He Jinshui asked Senior Brother Liu.

"I know." Brother Liu lowered his head.

"Originally, I also took a look at it with the attitude of giving it a try, but I knew from her conversation that you must be telling the truth. This child's life experience is by no means simple. The future achievements are also limitless." He Jinshui pondered.

"Ah? Yes, is it that powerful?" Brother Liu's eyes widened.

"Forget it, I don't want to talk to you, you go away." He Jinshui waved his hands like a fly, letting his apprentice get out of the way in disgust. Heartbroken, a good seedling, but he can't be accepted as an apprentice.

Senior Brother Qu followed behind, sneaking a glance back from time to time.

"Junior Brother, what are you looking at?" Senior Brother Qu peeked again and then turned around, seeing a magnified face in front of him, Senior Brother Liu suddenly moved in front of him.

"What are you doing! You're so frightening." Senior Brother Qu was taken aback, he scolded sharply, and then caught up with Master without looking back.

"What's the matter, I just asked." Brother Liu spread his hands and shrugged, and followed.


On Gu Fenghua's side, he looked at Lang Zhuyue with some headaches. The child is now happily unable to find the north. Just now he almost thought that he was going to lose his junior sister, but now his junior sister is staying again, so happy. Therefore, Lang Zhuyue's mode of expressing happiness is to take out all the snacks he bought and ask Gu Fenghua to eat them.

There is still = today. =

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