After breakfast, the three of them strolled to Changtian Peak.

The main hall of Changtian Peak is rarely recognized, it is the largest building. Brother Liu stood at the door and looked at them with a smile.

"I knew you would come, go in quickly, Master is waiting." Brother Liu stepped forward, laughed and patted Jiang Li on the shoulder.

"You are the only one who is smart." Jiang Li glared at him.

"That's right, we've been friends for so many years, I know what you're going to do when you poke your butt..." Senior Brother Liu originally said that his mouth was splashing, but when he looked down, he saw two little ones watching with wide eyes. He, he was like a duck being strangled by the neck, and his voice stopped abruptly.

"Haha, let's go, go in first, go in first." Brother Liu smiled shyly and made a gesture of invitation.

"Disgraceful." Senior Brother Qu stood at the door at some point, looked at this scene, snorted and mocked.

Brother Liu gave him a blank look, stopped talking, and walked straight inside. Jiang Li also followed behind, and then turned her head to tell the two little ones to follow quickly.

Gu Fenghua took two steps, then turned his head to look at Senior Brother Qu, and met Senior Brother Qu's eyes without any surprise. He is looking at her!

Gu Fenghua smiled at Senior Brother Qu, then turned and followed.

Senior Brother Qu covered his heart with one hand, and quickly turned around. Oh my gosh, so, so cute.

"Senior Brother Qu, what's the matter with you?" A passing junior brother asked suspiciously and worriedly.

"It's nothing, you're busy? Go and tidy up the herbs on the fifth shelf inside." Senior Brother Qu said with a cold face.

"Ah... yes." The reprimanded junior went to arrange the herbs with a sad face.

Senior Brother Qu turned his head to see that there was no one around, then he covered his chest again, his eyes glowed, and he muttered in a low voice, "It's so, so, so cute."

If Gu Fenghua was around, he would know that Senior Brother Qu is a typical coquettish guy with an unforgiving mouth and a turbulent heart.

Seeing Gu Fenghua coming, He Jinshui waved to her with a smile.

"Little fat girl, come here quickly, come here quickly. Do you want to eat candy first, I have candy here." He Jinshui felt happy when he saw Gu Fenghua. There is no way, this little chubby girl is really cute and fat, which fits his aesthetics very well.

"Eat, thank you uncle." Gu Fenghua smiled sweetly, took a bag of candy from He Jinshui, and gave half of it to Lang Zhuyue. Swipe the screen, little junior sister is doing well, little junior sister is really good.

He Jinshui looked at Gu Fenghua's movements, and nodded secretly in his heart. This fat girl is young, but she is affectionate and caring.

Alas, what a pity, why didn't your disciples pick it up?

"Little fat girl, tell Master Uncle, how long have you been learning alchemy?" He Jinshui was actually just teasing Gu Fenghua, how many years can a five-year-old child learn?

When Gu Fenghua heard this question, he paused in embarrassment. I have actually studied it for ten years. But honestly no one believes it.

"I've learned it, maybe two or three years." Gu Fenghua said with a bitter face. Two or three years old, probably, can make alchemy, right? At what age did I start learning alchemy when I was a child, I don't remember very clearly.

"Wow, is the little fat girl so good? Then you have to step on the stool when you make alchemy?" He Jinshui continued to tease Gu Fenghua.

"Yes." Gu Fenghua nodded.

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