My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1288 Is it a coincidence once or twice?

"Go and bring a stool for the little fat girl. Little fat girl, how about making this pill for me first?" He Jinshui wanted to see how Gu Fenghua's level is, so he chose the most basic one first. Elixir.

"Okay, no problem." Gu Fenghua stepped on the stool brought by Senior Brother Liu, asked Senior Brother Liu to help, and started alchemy.

He Jinshui was originally smiling, but after seeing Gu Fenghua's actions, his smile stopped, and then his expression gradually became serious, and finally he became more and more absorbed as he watched.

With Gu Fenghua's flowing movements, the precise amount of medicinal materials, and the exact sequence of putting them in, He Jinshui's eyes widened the more he looked at it. Is this really a five year old? Is this really a child who has only learned alchemy for two or three years?

When the pill was completed, He Jinshui jumped over like a monkey. The speed that was almost an afterimage didn't match his fat body at all.

Heavenly ranks, heavenly ranks, all are heavenly ranks!

He Jinshui looked at the pills one by one, and almost saw a flower coming. Then I am very sure of the fact that the pills that Gu Fenghua refined are all heaven-level!

"Come on, little fat girl, do you know how to refine this elixir? Take a look." He Jinshui took out a book of elixirs and asked, pointing to one of the pages above.

Gu Fenghua glanced at it, and it was actually similar to the pill that he knew how to make before. So she took a look and nodded to confirm that she would.

"Okay, let's come again." He Jinshui was a little excited. I really found a little genius. Could it be that they Feitianzong really want to produce an alchemy master in the future?

Brother Liu muttered: "Why do we come again, obviously Xiao Fenghua and I are coming again, what's the matter with you, Master."

"Shut up, brat!" He Jinshui slapped Senior Brother Liu on the head, "Keep an eye on the fire."

"Oh. I'm telling the truth." Brother Liu muttered in a low voice, but he hurriedly and honestly controlled the fire.

Gu Fenghua continued to refine alchemy, with Senior Brother Liu assisting him.

Jiang Li and He Jinshui watched carefully. Lang Zhuyue ate sweets seriously and watched the little junior sister concoct alchemy.

At some point, other disciples were poking around at the door, and seeing that no one was paying attention to them or driving them away, they quietly walked in and watched quietly. Among them was Senior Brother Qu.

When Gu Fenghua finished refining the furnace of pills, He Jinshui was the first to rush up to look at it.

Very good, heavenly ranks, all of them are heavenly ranks!

Once was a coincidence, what about the second time? Also a coincidence?

"Come again, Xiao Fenghua, look, what about this elixir?" He Jinshui pointed out another elixir, which was higher than the first two elixirs. The difficulty is naturally greater.

But in Gu Fenghua's view, the so-called difficulty is still scum...

And He Jinshui's name for Gu Fenghua had changed before everyone noticed. From the little chubby girl who started teasing to now calling her by her name seriously.

This furnace of Gu Fenghua was still refined without burden. It's just the feeling of stepping on a stool to make alchemy, which is not so wonderful.

He Jinshui looked at the elixir in his hand, feeling a little silly.

All are heavenly ranks!

Even he can't do it at all.

"You, you, how did you do it?" He Jinshui felt that his tongue was a little knotted.

"That's what I did." Gu Fenghua said naturally.

He Jinshui looked at Gu Fenghua's innocent face, he suddenly felt that he was a little old, because why did he feel a little stuffy?

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