In the end, Gu Fenghua refined the Qingling Jade Soul Pill with sweat all over his head, and the fragrance of the pill filled the room, making people feel refreshed.

He Jinshui rushed up with a stride, and saw that they were all heaven-ranked Qingling Jade Soul Pills.

But He Jinshui didn't go to pick up the pill right away, but reached out and touched his face, left and right. It's just that he hasn't picked up the elixir for a long time, looking like he's lost his mind.

"Master, what's the matter?" Brother Qu asked worriedly, having never seen his master in such a distraught state.

"I think, my face hurts. Both sides hurt!" He Jinshui felt that not only his face hurts, but also his toothache, heartache, lung pain, pain everywhere!

"Ah? Is Master sick?" Senior Brother Qu became even more worried.

"Yesterday I was thinking of robbing Xiao Fenghua to become an apprentice. Now I feel that my face hurts." He Jinshui yelled at Senior Brother Qu angrily.

Senior Brother Qu choked, with a complicated expression. Well, now that he thinks about what he said before, he feels that his face is starting to hurt too.

Then Senior Brother Qu looked at Gu Fenghua who was not even as high as his thigh with a complicated expression, and remembered what Master said when he reprimanded Senior Brother Liu, Gu Fenghua was almost as good as his senior sister. Why does he now feel that Gu Fenghua's attainment in alchemy is almost as good as that of a master's senior sister?

"Xiao Fenghua, thank you for your hard work. I will reward you when I come back. I will go to Chongtian Peak to deliver medicine to that kid first. I hope he recovers soon." He Jinshui took the pill and packed it, then rushed out .

"Uncle Master, remember what you promised me." Gu Fenghua told He Jinshui's back.

"Remember, remember." He Jinshui waved his hands and ran away in a hurry without looking back.

Then Senior Brother Qu and Gu Fenghua were left staring at each other.

"Well, you want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake..." Senior Brother Qu struggled for a long time, and squeezed out a few words in a mosquito-like voice.

Before Gu Fenghua could speak, there were hurried footsteps at the door, and it was Brother Liu and Jiang Li who came in.

When Senior Brother Liu saw Senior Brother Qu standing in front of Gu Fenghua, his heart skipped a beat. He rushed up a few steps, took Gu Fenghua's hand, and showed a smirk at Senior Brother Qu: "Brother, I will send Xiao Fenghua back, you clean up the alchemy room. Xiao Fenghua is small, don't scare her. "After finishing speaking, he took Gu Fenghua's hand and Jiang Li and left quickly. He looked like he was afraid that Gu Fenghua would be bullied by him.

Senior Brother Qu's face turned black, and he was sullen looking at their leaving backs. Which of your eyes saw me scared Xiao Fenghua.

Just when Senior Brother Qu was depressed, he saw Gu Fenghua from far away turned his head and smiled at him.

The stomach full of anger just now melted instantly. Senior Brother Qu also pulled out a smile, and then hastily turned his face away in embarrassment.

Hahaha, Senior Brother Qu, it's really fun. Gu Fenghua pursed his lips and smiled, turned his head and left with Jiang Li.


He Jinshui hurriedly went to the back hall of the main hall of Chongtian Peak.

Without waiting for anyone to report, he rushed in. Then I saw the suzerain Wen Renjiang walking out with a tired face.

"Sect Master, Fei Yu's injury?" He Jinshui asked eagerly after seeing the situation.

"It can still be suppressed temporarily. But if it takes a long time..." Wen Renjiang's heart aches when he thinks of his disciple's pale face but still calmly comforting him.

"The elixir has been refined, give it to him quickly, and prepare to heal his wounds. It will definitely get better." He Jinshui hurriedly took out the porcelain bottle containing the elixir.

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