Wen Renjiang's eyes widened in surprise when he heard this, and he grabbed He Jinshui's shoulder, his voice trembling: "Are you serious? Have you practiced it? Give it to me quickly, no, no, let's go, let's go in together."

He Jinshui was not at all surprised by Wen Renjiang's gaffe. Hearing this, He Jinshui hurriedly broke Wen Renjiang's hand, and walked in quickly together.

Arriving at Qiao Feiyu's room, he saw a pale boy sitting cross-legged on the bed. Qiao Feiyu was very surprised when he saw the two people coming in. He obviously didn't expect the master to go and come back, and he even brought someone in.

"Fei Yu, Dan, Dan, it's been refined." Wen Renjiang walked up a few steps and said excitedly.

The boy's originally silent eyes finally had light.

"Really, really?" Qiao Feiyu asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course it's true, come on, take it." He Jinshui said with a smile, "And there are not just one, but three."

Qiao Feiyu looked at He Jinshui in surprise, feeling excited and sighing in his heart. Unexpectedly, Uncle Yaoshi really refined this pill, and there are three of them.

When He Jinshui poured out the elixir, Wen Renjiang smelled the elixir, looked at the quality of the elixir, widened his eyes, and slapped He Jinshui on the shoulder with a casual smile: "I didn't expect that, Lao Jin , your alchemy skills are getting stronger and stronger, and they are all at the heavenly level."

He Jinshui blushed and said, "I didn't make it out of it. In short, take it first, and then talk about it."

"Didn't you make it?" Wen Renjiang was startled, but now is not the time to ask about it, it's better to ask Qiao Feiyu to take the elixir first.

Qiao Feiyu took a elixir, and then practiced kung fu to heal his injuries.

Wen Renjiang and He Jinshui stood by and watched nervously and expectantly.

Qiao Feiyu's pale face gradually turned red, and his breathing gradually stabilized. Just when Wen Renjiang and He Jinshui were relieved, Qiao Feiyu's expression changed, and with a wow, he spit out blood.

"How could this be?!" He Jinshui exclaimed.

Wen Renjiang had already grasped Qiao Feiyu's wrist, and poured holy energy into his body. His brows were tightly frowned, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "Dan is effective, but..."

"But what?" He Jinshui asked eagerly.

"I can't tell. Fei Yu's injury has eased, but it hasn't..." Wen Renjiang didn't say the following words, and He Jinshui knew what it meant.

"What should I do?" He Jinshui turned around anxiously.

"It's all my fault that my apprentice is useless. I made my master and uncle so worried." Seeing the two elders working hard for him, Qiao Feiyu felt more and more sorry.

"By the way, I'll ask Xiao Fenghua and let Xiao Fenghua take a look. Since she can refine this elixir, maybe she can see what's wrong with Fei Yu's body." He Jinshui punched himself on the hand.

"Who is Xiao Fenghua?" Wen Renjiang heard this name for the first time, but he understood that this elixir was made by this person named Xiao Fenghua. Since He Jinshui couldn't even refine it, but this person did, it must be that this person's alchemy attainments are not low, and I don't know where He Jinshui invited the expert.

"That's right, Xiao Fenghua must have a solution, definitely." The more He Jinshui thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was good. He ignored Wen Renjiang's question, and went out directly.

"Hey, wait, who are you talking about? Go invite someone, do you want to back up a generous gift?" Wen Renjiang shouted behind He Jinshui.

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