My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1317 I'm afraid I'm sick?

Wen Renjiang just looked straight at Gu Fenghua, and then trembled all over.

"Sovereign?" Jiang Li was shocked and worried, it was the first time he saw the suzerain lose his composure like this. Then he looked at Gu Fenghua even more worriedly, has the junior sister seen a monster? That monster that everyone thought only existed in legends? is it possible?

"Come with me." Wen Renjiang stood up with a serious face.

Jiang Li didn't know if it was her own delusion, why did she feel that the Sovereign's attitude towards the junior sister was a bit respectful?

Wen Renjiang took two steps, then turned to look at Jiang Li and Lang Zhuyue: "You two are waiting here."

After Wen Renjiang finished speaking, he walked two steps forward quickly, then turned his head to look at Gu Fenghua's short legs, with a tangled expression on his face, and then picked up Gu Fenghua and clamped it under his armpit.

Gu Fenghua groaned, "There's still my house."

Wen Renjiang bent down and grabbed Jiaoju, and put it in Gu Fenghua's arms.

"Offended." Wen Renjiang started running wildly with Gu Fenghua in his arms.

Jiang Li and Lang Zhuyue were left blankly watching Wen Renjiang's back disappear from their sight.

"Ah, senior brother, senior brother, what is the suzerain going to do? Where are you taking the little junior sister? Will you cook the little junior sister?" Lang Zhuyue only came back to her senses at this time, and asked Jiang Li with a panicked expression.

There is no way, the bad guy who Gu Fenghua howled at the beginning would catch her and cook her to eat left a deep impression on Lang Zhuyue, and it almost turned into a psychological shadow.

"No." Jiang Li rubbed Lang Zhuyue's head amusedly, "We all know who the suzerain is." What I'm worried about is whether Fenghua's extraordinary background will cause some trouble. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect her.

"Really?" Lang Zhuyue was still a little worried. After all, the suzerain's behavior just now was too abnormal, it would be terrible in the eyes of children.

"Really, don't worry." Jiang Li smiled and comforted, but she was thinking about something in her heart.

About the monsters in the back mountain, it was passed down orally from generation to generation by the Feitian clan, and they have been telling these disciples not to go to the back mountain. But no one has ever seen this legendary monster. But no one doubted it, after all, when the master explained it, his words were burning, and his face was even more dignified.

It's just that, for so many years, I haven't heard of anyone who has seen the monster in the back mountain, and now the little junior sister says she has seen it? No wonder the suzerain changed his face.

At this time, Gu Fenghua was caught on the road running wildly, and she was in a mess.

"Uncle Suzerain, can you slow down? If I want to vomit, I will vomit on you." Gu Fenghua threatened by pulling Wen Renjiang's clothes.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, I'm too impatient. I'll change you to a more comfortable position." After Wen Renjiang finished speaking, he didn't let Gu Fenghua down, but changed Gu Fenghua from the left armpit to the right arm The limb sockets are running faster.

Gu Fenghua: ...

"Hey, isn't that the suzerain and the little fat girl?" While running, the disciples who passed by saw them and said in surprise.

"Yeah, what is the suzerain doing here? Is this playing with a little fat girl?" Another disciple asked suspiciously.

"No way? Running with the little chubby girl, enjoying the feeling of the wind?" The disciple was even more puzzled.

Everyone: ...

I'm afraid I'm not sick?

Wen Renjiang carried Gu Fenghua all the way to the deepest part of the hall, walked through a long corridor, opened a door, and continued to walk inside.

Finally, it stopped in front of a huge door.

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