My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1318 Very Bachelor's Tone

"Where is this?" Gu Fenghua looked at the huge door in front of him and asked. But I guessed in my heart that this should be the more important place of Feitianzong.

"Come." After putting down Gu Fenghua, Wen Renjiang made a hand gesture, and then slowly pushed open the door.

What caught Gu Fenghua's eyes was a large tablet. But there was no gloomy feeling at all.

"What are these?" Gu Fenghua had a guess in his mind, but he still asked.

"These are all the tablets of the suzerain of the Feitian Sect. In the future, my tablet will also appear here." Wen Renjiang turned and closed the door, took Gu Fenghua's hand, walked around this piece of tablets, and walked to the back.

Behind these tablets, there is a painting, and in front of the painting is a more delicate tablet that is not used for other tablets.

"This is the memorial tablet and portrait of the first Flying Ancestral Sect Master. It is also a patriarchal rule established by him. The matter of monsters is also passed down from him. Moreover, there is something that the Sect Master passed down from generation to generation." Wenren Jiang Shenshen He looked at Gu Fenghua with some complicated eyes.

"What? I said that I have seen the monster in the back mountain, but how can you be sure that it is the monster that the first suzerain mentioned?" Gu Fenghua was puzzled.

"Isn't it? We'll know soon." After Wen Renjiang said this, he walked forward, opened a jade box under the portrait, took out a scroll from it, and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

"Open it and have a look." Wen Renjiang said.

Gu Fenghua took the scroll, not noticing Wen Renjiang's expression and even looking forward to it.

Gu Fenghua slowly opened the scroll, and the contents of the scroll were slowly revealed. A huge fiery red fox with golden pupils and white dots between the brows. It was exactly the same as the fox she saw in the back mountain. It's just that the fox in the painting is more powerful, and the color of its hair is brighter.

However, Gu Fenghua was sure that it was the same fox.

"Ah, it's really opened!" Wen Renjiang's surprised voice sounded.

"Huh? Couldn't this scroll be opened before?" Gu Fenghua was puzzled.

"Yes, there are so many suzerains on this scroll, and no one has ever been able to open it." After Wen Renjiang finished speaking, he hurried over, looked at the scroll, and said in surprise, "It turns out that the monster in the back mountain looks like this. "

"Don't you know what the monsters in the back mountain look like?" Gu Fenghua was more surprised than Wen Renjiang. They have been spreading word of mouth for so many years, but don't they know what a monster looks like?

"I don't know." Wen Renjiang spread his hands in a bachelor's tone.

Hearing Wen Renjiang's straightforward words, Gu Fenghua felt a little complicated.

"Hey, this little fox is exactly the same as the one in this portrait. Could it be?" Wen Renjiang looked at Jiao Juju in surprise and said.

"No, this is its daughter." Gu Fenghua looked at the fox on the scroll, and had a feeling in his heart that it was the big fox and should be dead.

"Daughter?" Wen Renjiang looked at Jiaoju, nodded and did not speak again. Gu Fenghua continued to observe the portrait.

"Old Suzerain, about this fox, is there anything else that has been passed down from generation to generation?" Gu Fenghua looked at the portrait carefully several times, and after confirming that the painting was really just a painting, he raised his head and asked without any mystery. Jiaoju tilted her head to look at the fox in the portrait.

"Oh, it's my mother. Why didn't Juju exist? Oh, yes, Juju lives in her mother's stomach, so I didn't draw it." Jiaoju said to herself.

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