After a while, in Gu Fenghua's team, a mushroom was jumping in front, a big tree branch was moving behind, and behind the big tree branch was a giant flower jumping up and down, followed by a giant flower. A giant grass is swinging enchantingly, trying to move forward.

The only ones who kept their human form were Gu Fenghua and Qiao Feiyu. Qiao Feiyu walked behind the big mushroom with a dark face. I really don't want to admit that these giant plants are all his fellows. How stupid! I said not to touch those things casually, but I still couldn't hold back.

"Senior brother and sister, is there really no danger?" Gu Fenghua was a little worried, would these transformations be harmful to the body, and when would they recover? What is the point of this second pass? What is the purpose of the assessment?

"I don't know either." Qiao Feiyu replied simply.

Gu Fenghua always feels that things are not that simple, and it seems that there is no danger now, but he has no idea when and how to change back.

Just when Gu Fenghua was thinking deeply, the road ahead seemed to come to an end, and there was a cloud of flowing light ahead, and he didn't know where it would lead.

Could it be that this is the end of the second level?

Qiao Feiyu suddenly exclaimed, interrupting Gu Fenghua's thoughts.

"Senior Brother Liu, what are you doing? Senior Sister Lan, what are you all doing?" Qiao Feiyu's voice was full of confusion and worry.

Gu Fenghua raised his head, and saw Senior Brother Liu, who had turned into a big mushroom, slowly move to the side of the road, standing with a cluster of real mushrooms. And his eyes are slowly closing. The other giant tree branches, flowers and grass, acted the same as Senior Brother Liu, each went to find the real tree branches, flowers and grass, stood still, and gradually closed their eyes.

"Do they think they are really mushrooms, flowers and trees?" Gu Fenghua suddenly felt an ominous feeling in his heart. It was a shudder from the bottom of my heart.

Qiao Feiyu's expression also changed, and he shouted: "Senior Brother, Senior Sister, what are you doing? Wake up quickly!"

Qiao Feiyu's words only made a few people open their eyes slightly, but after a while, their eyes began to slowly close again.

"Don't let them fall into a deep sleep!" Gu Fenghua had a feeling in his heart that if the brothers and sisters were allowed to fall into a deep sleep, the consequences would be disastrous. Before, Gu Fenghua was a little funny that the senior brothers and sisters had become like this, but now she was completely shocked. She always felt that if the senior brothers and sisters were really put to sleep, they would really turn into mushrooms, flowers and trees.

Qiao Feiyu rushed over to shake Senior Brother Liu's big mushroom, which was already drowsy.

The panic in Gu Fenghua's heart was getting bigger and bigger, she shouted decisively: "Resist them, throw them out from somewhere." Gu Fenghua pointed at the light curtain and shouted. That light curtain, no accident, is the exit of this checkpoint. Leaving this evil place as soon as possible should reduce the impact on the brothers and sisters. As for how to restore the original state, we will figure out a way later.

After listening to Gu Fenghua's words, Qiao Feiyu resisted the big mushroom without any hesitation, quickly ran to the light curtain, and threw the big mushroom into the light curtain. Then, he did the same thing, throwing several other giant flowers, plants and trees that were about to close their eyes completely into the light curtain.

Gu Fenghua rushed into the light curtain after the last senior sister's giant flower was thrown in. Qiao Feiyu followed closely behind.

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