My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1350 The Danger Behind the Beautiful Appearance

When Gu Fenghua stood firm, he saw a lake in front of him, and the lake was densely covered with lotus flowers.

It was the scene of spring just now, and now it is summer in front of everyone.

Gu Fenghua looked down at his feet, Senior Brother Liu and the others were thrown in, rolled on the ground a few times, and now they have recovered their human form. Then they got up with ugly faces, and turned their heads to look behind with lingering fear.

"Just now, what happened?" Qiao Feiyu asked.

"I didn't know what was going on just now, but I felt like I was a mushroom, and I should stick there, and belong to that canyon. Then I became more and more sleepy, and my consciousness almost disappeared." Senior Brother Liu's eyes were concealed I can't help being afraid.

Lan Ge and the others also looked scared and said the same things as Senior Brother Liu.

Gu Fenghua was horrified, as expected. That canyon looks vibrant and thriving, but it is actually so dangerous. Once you sleep there, you will become a part of the canyon, forget that you are a person.

"Fortunately, the Young Master made the decision to let me throw you out, otherwise, you would really become mushrooms, flowers, plants and trees." Qiao Feiyu was also afraid. He had heard his master say that there was no danger in this level, but the result was so dangerous. It seems that what Master knows is not the truth.

"Senior Brother Liu, you are right about one thing. The more beautiful and calm the appearance, the more dangerous it is. Next, let's be more careful." Gu Fenghua said with a small face.

This time, no one thinks that Gu Fenghua is just cute but not majestic. Everyone nodded solemnly. Before they knew it, they originally wanted to take good care of Gu Fenghua, but in the end they turned into inexplicable trust in Gu Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua looked at the lotus flowers all over the lake and frowned slightly.

"This means we need to cross this huge lake." Qiao Feiyu looked thoughtfully at the huge lotus leaves and flowers.

"There's a boat there." Lan Ge suddenly pointed to a place and said.

Everyone looked in the direction she pointed, and they saw that there were indeed several boats moored by the lake, and they were still boats with black awnings.

After the mushroom incident just now, everyone knew that things would never be that simple. It is absolutely impossible for them to paddle through this lake safely.

"Would we row the boat to the middle of the lake and turn it into a lotus or something?" Senior Brother Liu said with lingering fear.

"I don't think so." Gu Fenghua said.

"Why?" Brother Liu subconsciously asked.

"The person who designed the level will not be so stupid, and will not use the same method. Because no one will be so stupid and make the same mistake again." Gu Fenghua said firmly. Gu Fenghua didn't know, she would be slapped in the face soon.

"I think so." Qiao Feiyu nodded, "Then let's get on the boat first. Be careful along the way, and we'll see the situation."

Several people chose the cleanest-looking black-paved boat and sat on it. Jiang Li picked up the paddle behind and prepared to row.

After everyone was seated, the black-covered boat slowly rowed towards the lake.

Gu Fenghua looked at the huge lotus leaves floating on the lake, and wondered if he stood on these lotus leaves, could the lotus leaves hold up? Just as she was thinking about it, her neck lightened, and it turned out that Jiao Juju jumped directly from her neck and landed on the huge lotus leaf. Then he jumped from one piece to the other, jumping forward in the same direction as the awning boat. Stretch out your paws to touch those lotus flowers from time to time, it's indescribable to play.

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