After Gu Fenghua touched Jiao Juju's head, he turned around and ran to the center of the square behind.

The few people who were originally protecting Gu Fenghua were startled when they saw the young suzerain's posture, and quickly turned around and chased after him. In this chaotic time, accidents are easy to happen. It would be dangerous for the young suzerain to be caught as a hostage.

Gu Fenghua ran for a short distance, but stopped. The place where he stopped was the center of the square.

"Young Sect Master, what's wrong with you?" Senior Brother Qu asked worriedly.

Gu Fenghua looked down at the ground, did not answer Senior Brother Qu, but said in a low voice: "I hope you don't think I'm cruel."

"What?" Senior Brother Qu was stunned, what did the Young Sect Master mean by this?

There was no answer from Gu Fenghua, only to see that Gu Fenghua put the little fox in his hand on the ground, picked up one of its small front paws, and a golden needle appeared in his hand, Gu Fenghua quickly pricked the little fox with the golden needle. A drop of blood was squeezed out of the fox's little meat pad.

The blood dripped down slowly, but it didn't splash on the floor tiles as Senior Brother Qu imagined, but it seemed like a drop of water fell on the surface of a calm lake, and the ground of the entire square was like a huge lake. The drop of blood rippled on the surface of the lake.

Senior Brother Qu and the few people who were chasing after him looked at the scene in astonishment. The ground under their feet became extremely dark at this moment, and there seemed to be a big ferocious mouth underneath, trying to swallow everything. However, they can still stand here steadily.

Wen Renjiang and the others who were fighting each other naturally noticed the changes under their feet. At this moment, the people who fought each other stopped tacitly, and then quickly backed away, looking at the strange scene under their feet.

"What's going on here?" Guangcheng and the others' expressions became ugly. He had some injuries, but nothing serious.

Wen Renjiang didn't speak, and he also frowned at the scene in front of him. He didn't know what was going on. His injuries were more serious than Guangcheng's. If he continued to fight, Feitianzong would only become more and more disadvantaged.

Wen Renjiang looked at the small figure standing in the middle of the square.

They discussed in the hall before, but in fact nothing was discussed. Because in the end they were all powerless to discover the fact that even though they knew the plots of several sects and knew that these people were coming to attack, they still had nothing to do. In the face of powerful strength, it seems that there is no room for change. In the end, it was even discussed whether to abandon this place temporarily, and the whole sect would evacuate here.

Gu Fenghua stopped everyone's last helpless proposal, but let everyone meet the enemy. She does the rest.

Wen Renjiang looked at Gu Fenghua's feet, with Gu Fenghua as the center, ripples quietly spread out circle after circle, until the boundary of Feitian Sect slowly disappeared.

Wen Renjiang looked at the calm Gu Fenghua, and his heart trembled suddenly. Could it be...

Wen Renjiang remembered the secret records of Fei Tianzong. As a powerful sect, the Feitian Sect has always had its mountain protection formation. According to legend, once this defensive formation is activated, it can cover the entire territory of Feitianzong. But this large formation was destroyed many years ago, and he has never seen it before.

He remembered another legend about this mountain protection formation. This mountain guard array can not only defend, but also attack!

And it can evolve into an extremely terrifying attack formation!

Are the legends true?

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