My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1379 Fortunately, but also unfortunately

Gu Fenghua raised his head to meet Wenren Jiang's astonished face, but he was silent. Not to mention that the current suzerain, Wen Renjiang, doesn't know how to activate this formation, even many previous suzerains probably don't know the mystery of this formation. The Great Mountain Protecting Formation, which appeared to have been destroyed on the surface, has not been completely destroyed in fact. The most exquisite core formation, I am afraid that no one knows about it except the first Suzerain and Yuebai at that time, let alone how to activate it. This is the last kill.

That's right, the core of this mountain protection formation is the killing formation.

Stop killing with killing, stop bleeding with blood!

Once the killing array is sacrificed, there will be a sea of ​​blood all over the sky, and there will be no survivors.

This is also the reason why Gu Fenghua is unwilling to activate this final formation easily. She warned Guangcheng and everyone, but it didn't work.

Many things in the world are like this.

If you haven't experienced it, how can you believe it.

Just experienced it firsthand, and by then it was too late.

But human beings will still only believe in themselves, and will always move forward, even if moths fly to the flame.

Fortunately, but also unfortunately.

Seeing this vision, Guangcheng felt uneasy and wanted to retreat. But the suzerain of Fengyue Sect looked at Gu Fenghua with greedy eyes. Even trembling with excitement, sure enough, Feitianzong is not easy. I don't know how many treasures are left behind. If they can keep it for themselves, then wouldn't their Fengyue Sect be able to become a middle-rank sect, or even a top-rank sect in the future?

Gu Fenghua slowly closed his eyes, and began to type out the hand formula with his hands. The movements were slow, but there was a sense of simplicity. With her spells, the gloomy ground changed.

Countless silver swords slowly rose from the ground. Or to be precise, countless sword qi. It's just that this sword energy already has substance, and it all appears in the form of a silver giant sword.

Countless sword qi rose slowly from the feet, and many sword qi rose around everyone. Those sword qi passed through people's feet, body, and hands, but they didn't feel anything. Someone behind Guangcheng curiously stretched out his hand to feel the sword energy, but found nothing. The hand passed directly through the giant sword without any response.

No danger?

Countless silver giant swords lifted into the sky, shining with silver light, like countless fireworks, illuminating the sky above Feitianzong. Such a beautiful scenery is shocking.

Wenren Jiang stared fixedly at Gu Fenghua who closed his eyes and was gesticulating. His heart trembled a little, he always felt that the next scene would be a scene that he would never forget in his life.

The next moment, Gu Fenghua opened his eyes suddenly, and typed out the last trick.

"Go!" After Gu Fenghua yelled in a low voice, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out and splashed onto the ground.

"Young Sovereign!" Many voices shouted worriedly at the same time.

The next moment, the screams drowned out these cries.

Gu Fenghua closed his eyes again, sat cross-legged on the spot, and hugged Jiaoju in his arms, silently.

After Gu Fenghua uttered that word in a low voice, those silver giant swords hanging from the sky roared down from the sky, and the sharp piercing sound was so ear-piercing.

The sword energy that was like fireworks just now became full of murderous intent at this moment. Thousands of swords were sent out, like a gust of wind and rain, falling from the sky. Countless screams sounded, rushed to the sky, and echoed for a long time.

Blood, eyes are blood red.

Full of killing intent, the fierce sword energy pierced through the hands, feet, and bodies of those sect disciples who came to sneak attack. The howling was deafening.

Countless severed limbs were shocking, blood stained the ground of Feitianzong.

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