My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1399 Don't Destroy Your Image

In fact, he has a very good temper, and he seldom gets angry, but the clay figurines are still somewhat earthy. Seeing that Chang Yingrong yelled at Yu Le'er indiscriminately, he also became angry.

Seeing Han Yangshu get angry, Chang Yingrong was taken aback. The two of them joined the teacher at about the same time, and they have known each other for many years. She knows Han Yangshu's character very well. She knows that he is gentle on the surface, but extremely persistent on the inside. return. Since he was the one who invited Gu Fenghua, it's useless to say anything else. If the trouble continues, it will only make him feel disgusted, and even turn against each other.

"It turned out to be Junior Brother Han's idea, but I was wrong to blame Junior Sister Leer. Junior Sister Leer, Senior Sister was a little impulsive earlier, so you wouldn't blame Senior Sister." Chang Yingrong took a deep breath, pretending to be relieved and said. . At the same time, I secretly reminded myself that no matter how angry I am, I have to bear it, and I must not destroy my image in front of Junior Brother Han.

"I know that senior sister is also good to me, so I won't blame senior sister." Yu Le'er has a child's heart, so there are so many tricks, and when she heard that senior sister no longer blamed herself, she immediately burst into laughter.

"Since Junior Brother Han invited you to go, I won't say much, go if you want, but you have to remember that our Nanli Sect is not an ordinary small sect, and there are many rules. Be careful with your words and deeds, and don't cause trouble for us." Chang Yingrong raised her head and said to Gu Fenghua arrogantly.

"It was me who was rude and forgot the rules of your sect. I'm a casual cultivator and I'm used to being free and easy. If I go, I might really cause trouble for you. Forget it, I won't go, just leave it, and see you again in the future." " Gu Fenghua said calmly.

She is not Yu Leer's kind of ignorant little girl, how could she fail to see Chang Yingrong's rejection and guard against her? The reason why she agreed to Han Yangshu's invitation was because she didn't want to take away their good intentions, and the other It's also to protect them, who wants to suffer from Chang Yingrong's idleness.

"Senior Sister Chang is just talking, in fact, our Nanli Sect is also so strict, just pay attention to it a little bit." Han Yangshu finally persuaded Gu Fenghua to go to Nanli Sect, seeing her change her mind, he persuaded anxiously . In the end, he was really thinking about Gu Fenghua, and hoped that she could join the sect and not waste such a good qualification.

"Yeah, anyway, we are only outer disciples, and we have always been loosely controlled. You don't have to worry too much about Fenghua." Zhou Siqin also persuaded.

"Sister Fenghua, don't go, just go, what if you encounter a monster again?" Yu Le'er pulled Gu Fenghua's clothes and looked at her pitifully, with tears in her eyes, full of reluctance.

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you." Gu Fenghua said helplessly.

Seeing Yu Leer's pitiful reluctance, she couldn't help but think of Zihan, and she couldn't harden her heart.

Anyway, going to Nanlizong was just to escort them for a while, not for Chang Yingrong, why are you fussing about her so much? Gu Fenghua was not a narrow-minded person, so he felt relieved when he thought about it.

When Chang Yingrong said those words, she made up her mind to let her retreat in spite of difficulties, and stop following their ideas with a faceless face. Who would have thought that Han Yangshu and the others tried so hard to persuade her, so she couldn't say anything more, she just glanced coldly. He glanced at Gu Fenghua, his eyes were full of warning.

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