It's a pity that Gu Fenghua was hugging Yu Le'er, rubbing the chicken coop on top of her head, and didn't see her eyes at all. Even if she saw it, she wouldn't take it seriously at all, she would even pinch a green tea whore like Zhong Wanying at will, so how could she take a low-ranking like Chang Yingrong seriously.

After a brief tidying up of the camp that had been almost destroyed by wolves, a group of people walked towards Nanlizong under the leadership of Chang Yingrong.

Before you know it, the sky is already bright, and the warm sunlight shines through the treetops and falls into the forest, presenting colorful beams of light in the light blue mist, which makes you feel like walking in a fairyland.

However, with the previous experience of escaping from death, Han Yangshu and others were in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery, and they were all on guard secretly. Gu Fenghua, who fell at the back, also remained vigilant, concentrating his mind to explore around.

"Junior brother Han, when I return to the sect this time, I will tell my third uncle well that with your aptitude, I will definitely become an inner sect disciple." Only Chang Yingrong didn't know how powerful this monster was, and didn't realize the danger at all. , said to Han Yangshu while walking.

Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin are only outer disciples of the Nanli Sect, and because she is the grandniece of Chang Wanfa, the elder of the Nanli Sect, she became an inner disciple not long after she started. In order to show her favor to Han Yangshu, she has been trying to persuade The third uncle brought Han Yangshu into the inner sect.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Chang." Han Yang Shuzheng was on guard and didn't have time to chat with her, so he responded casually.

In fact, he is a disciple of Jizong, while Chang Wanfa is the elder of Fazong. If Chang Wanfa recruits him into the inner sect, he must switch from Jizong to Fazong. It's to betray the current fellow, so he really doesn't have much interest. Besides, with his aptitude and cultivation base, it is only a matter of time before he enters the inner sect, and he does not need Chang Yingrong's help.

"Junior Brother Han, you still don't know the benefits of the inner sect. Once you join the inner sect, you will have several times more cultivation resources than you have now, and you will still have the opportunity to learn the most exquisite holy methods. Your future achievements will definitely not be the same as those of the outer sect. Disciples are comparable." Seeing that Han Yangshu was absent-minded, Chang Yingrong was secretly angry. In order to help him enter the inner door, she did not know how many good things she said in front of third uncle, but he didn't seem to appreciate it at all.

"Well, I know, I will work hard." Han Yangshu was fully on guard at this time, while he was perfunctory, while looking back, seeing that Gu Fenghua was also vigilant, the two nodded their heads.

God proved that the two nodded their heads to show that they did not find any danger, but in Chang Yingrong's eyes, it was not the case at all. No wonder Han Yang Shu was absent-minded and ignored her. It turned out that it was because Gu Fenghua, this bitch, dared to flirt with his sweetheart in front of his face!

Looking back at Gu Fenghua's beautiful and unconventional face, Chang Yingrong was so jealous and hated that his face turned pale with anger.

"Junior Brother Han, it's all right now that you are just an outer disciple. When you become an inner disciple in the future, you must never associate with those dubious people. Not only will you surrender yourself, but you will also lose the name of my Nanli sect." head." Chang Yingrong said coldly.

Han Yangshu heard that there was something in her words, obviously she meant something, and couldn't help frowning. But he was all on guard against monsters, so he didn't have time to pay attention to her.

"Also, not everyone in this world has the luck of us to be favored by the great sect. Some people, in order to obtain the cultivation method, can do any shameless thing, and they stick to the door with shamelessness Don't be fooled." Seeing Han Yangshu ignoring her, Chang Yingrong became even more angry and even more rude.

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