My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1401 Good intentions and good means

"Senior Sister Chang, what do you mean by that?" Han Yangshu's expression darkened. No matter how straightforward he is, he can tell that these words are aimed at Gu Fenghua.

"Are you talking about me?" Gu Fenghua said coldly.

Originally, she had already made up her mind not to be as knowledgeable as Chang Yingrong, but she was so sneering that she almost pointed at her nose and cursed. Did she really think Gu Fenghua was easy to bully?

"Who else but you, what are you doing with us, don't think I don't know what you're up to! Let me tell you, die of that heart early, trying to lie to us about Nanlizong's martial arts and sword skills, the door None!" The jealousy in Chang Yingrong's heart finally broke out, and she pointed at Gu Fenghua and said with contempt.

"Senior Sister Chang, it's too much for you to say that. If it wasn't for Fenghua's rescue, we would have died without a place to bury us. How could you frame her like this!" Han Yangshu said angrily.

Gu Fenghua has saved their lives, no one can slander her like this.

"That's right, Sister Fenghua has saved our lives, so you are not allowed to say that about her." Yu Le'er also blushed with anger, and under her anger, she no longer had the respect she had for Chang Yingrong before.

"Hmph, according to this, she is just a casual cultivator, and she is stronger than you? She can deal with monsters that you can't even deal with?" Chang Yingrong looked at Gu Fenghua with a sarcasm, "Really Such a scheming, good means, not only fascinated my two juniors, but also said good things for you everywhere, even my little junior sister was fascinated by you."

"Senior Sister Chang, although Fenghua is a casual cultivator, her strength is really far stronger than ours." Zhou Siqin also explained when she heard her words getting worse and worse.

"Shut up, Zhou Siqin, I think you are obsessed. In order to please a woman, you don't even want the face of a sect disciple." Chang Yingrong cursed. In her opinion, even if they are only outer disciples, they must be from the sect anyway. How could they not be as good as a casual cultivator? Zhou Siqin clearly coveted Gu Fenghua's beauty, so she said such words that were disrespectful to the sect .

"Senior Sister Chang, believe it or not, the fact is that she is indeed far superior to us." Han Yangshu said coldly with a straight face.

"Okay, okay, you can speak for her too, then I want to see how strong she is." Chang Yingrong pulled out her long sword with a bang.

If it was just Zhou Siqin and Yu Le'er speaking for Gu Fenghua, it would be fine. Even Han Yangshu was charmed by her, and she was very protective of the upside-down. She hated this vixen to death.

"Senior Sister Chang, what are you doing?" The expressions of Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin changed dramatically.

"Draw your sword, let me see how strong you are!" Chang Yingrong ignored them at all, but looked at Gu Fenghua angrily.

Four blue holy beads floated between her eyebrows, one of which was slightly lighter in color, obviously just broke through and promoted.

"Are you sure you want to fight with me?" Gu Fenghua tilted his head, looking at Chang Yingrong like an idiot. Profound Sage rank four, the strength is not bad, but in front of her, it is really not enough.

"Why, you're scared. If you're scared, get away as far as you can." Chang Yingrong said with contempt.

"You're right. I'm really a little scared. You and my juniors and juniors have hit it off right away. If you accidentally hurt you, it's not easy to explain to them." Gu Fenghua said worriedly.

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