"Roar!" Iron Armored Rhino roared again, and the one-horned lightning flashed on its head.

The next moment, Chang Yingrong flew out heavily as if hit by a catapult.

"What a terrifying power. Isn't this a sixth-order monster? How could it have such a powerful power?" Chang Yingrong's only thought was in midair. Even in her dreams, she couldn't imagine how a mere sixth-order monster could be so powerful.

"Bang!" Chang Yingrong fell heavily to the ground, feeling dizzy and swollen, and even more at a loss.

Before she could recover, the Iron Armored Rhino stepped forward with thick legs like stone pillars, and came crashing down like a siege engine. Almost in an instant, a huge shadow enveloped Chang Yingrong.

"Flowers in the mirror, moon in the water!" At the critical moment, Chang Yingrong finally recovered a little bit of sobriety, swiped her long sword, and blocked her body with an air shield like a mirror.

This is also one of the three great skills of the Nanli Patriarchal School, which has a very strong defense.

If she used this unique skill right away, she might be able to block the attack of the Iron Armored Crazy Rhinoceros. Unfortunately, she had used up more than half of her holy energy to perform the move of Flying Cloud Silk, so how could she display her full power at this time.

There was another loud bang, and the mirror-like air shield shattered, and Chang Yingrong flew out again.

Iron Armored Kuangxi didn't just let her go, and continued to rush forward.

"Senior Sister!" Although Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin were dissatisfied with Chang Yingrong's previous actions, it was impossible for them to see her die like this, while pulling out their long swords and attacking the armored rhinoceros.

The icy sword glow flitted across the sky, but the Iron Armored Rhino seemed unaware. "Hey", three sword beams slashed at its body at the same time, but only left a few wounds less than an inch deep. You must know that the armor of the Iron Armored Crazy Rhinoceros is more than half an inch thick. The impact is apparently negligible.

"Roar!" Iron Armored Rhino roared again, a flash of thunder flashed on the horn, and directly sent Han Yangshu and the others flying.

The next moment, the huge body like a siege engine rushed to Chang Yingrong again.

At this time, Chang Yingrong had already been shaken to the point of discord, and her internal organs were overwhelmed, and there was no chance of escape. Seeing this, she could only grit her teeth, and swung her long sword again, making a show of beauty.

But a mistake would be an eternal hatred, the previous sword flying Yun Ling really consumed too much of her holy energy, and the subsequent attack of the mirror flower and water moon also consumed a lot, the power of this attack was far worse than the last one.

Without any suspense, the air shield ruptured, and Chang Yingrong flew out again.

Before she landed, Iron Armored Rhino rushed up violently...

Next, I saw Chang Yingrong performing the mirror flower water moon one after another, and flying into the air again and again. Although Han Yangshu and the others tried to stop the Armored Crazy Rhinoceros one after another, its defense was too terrifying. Even if they tried their best, they could only leave shallow scars on it, and they couldn't stop it from advancing at all. pace.

The only luck is that this Iron Armored Rhinoceros has a strong vengeance, and it identified Chang Yingrong who was the first to attack it, and turned a blind eye to the attacks of Han Yangshu and the others, and simply knocked them away every time. Then persistently rushed towards Chang Yingrong.

However, the luck of Han Yangshu and others is the greatest misfortune for Chang Yingrong. The mirror flower and the water moon were shattered again and again, and she flew into the air again and again. Sister Chang was so depressed that she wanted to vomit blood: I just slapped you, why are you endless? Why did you just ignore me when you scratched your body?

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