My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1404 Don't Act After Watching Enough

From the first move to the present, Senior Sister Chang has been flying, and she is flying higher and higher, and the only difference is that at this time, Senior Sister Chang is disheveled and disheveled, and she is not at all like a flying fairy before. elegant beauty.

"Bang!" Finally, Chang Yingrong used up the last sliver of her holy energy to display the Mirror Flower, Water Moon, which was smashed by the Iron Armored Rhinoceros, and she also flew high again, hitting a big tree heavily. The giant tree, which was thousands of years old and could only be embraced by several people, shook violently. Then, a person was seen sliding down the trunk like mud.

The iron-clad wild rhinoceros breathed white air, rushed to Chang Yingrong in a few steps, and raised its front legs violently.

"Senior Sister..." Han Yangshu and the others exclaimed in unison.

Everyone could see that Chang Yingrong was exhausted at this time, and she had no strength to resist anymore. She would not be alive if she was kicked by the iron armored wild rhinoceros. It's a pity that several people shot with all their strength again and again, and now they are all exhausted, and they have more energy than energy to save people.

Iron-armored Kuangxi's giant leg like a stone pillar slammed down, and Chang Yingrong sat on the ground limply, and could only watch the black shadow enveloping her, her eyes were full of sadness and unwillingness: she But Xuansheng fourth grade, how could he die at the hands of a mere sixth-order monster? Also, is this powerful power, this terrifying defense really just a sixth-order monster?

"Sister Fenghua, please, save Senior Sister." Yu Leer begged Gu Fenghua again with tears in her voice. After all, she was young and simple-minded, and she didn't want to see her senior sister die just like that.

"Get out!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua yelled, and the long sword wrapped in the silk cloth shone with brilliance, and smashed heavily on the head of Iron Armored Kuangxi.

Gu Fenghua had seen enough of the drama, and felt that Chang Yingrong was about to suffer a lot before making a move. Although Chang Yingrong spoke harshly and harshly, this was not a way to kill her, and she was still the senior sister of Han Yangshu and the others, even if it was for their sake, Gu Fenghua would not be willing to let her die.

With the reminders from Han Yangshu and others, Gu Fenghua did not use the strongest Eight Swords Guiyuan, but how solid and refined her holy energy is, the power of this sword is still far surpassing that of a holy master of the same level. Kuang Xi's huge body was blown back again and again.

"Roar!" This sword irritated Iron Armored Kuangxi again, and made it divert its target. With a muffled roar, Iron Armored Kuangxi turned around and rushed towards Gu Fenghua.

However, just a few steps away, Gu Fenghua's long sword hit it on the head again.

The huge force made it buzz in its ears, and Iron Armored Kuangxi stopped and looked at Gu Fenghua with a bit of timidity in his eyes.

Before it came to its senses, Gu Fenghua slammed it out with one sword after another. She had already seen that the most powerful part of the Iron Armored Rhino was its strength and defense. The attack methods were actually very monotonous and simple, which was somewhat similar to the Demon King Monitor Lizard in the Nether Sand Sea. Even if she doesn't use Eight Swords Guiyuan, she still has the confidence to rely on her sword skills to crush him firmly under her feet. After all, she is now a strong third-rank Profound Sage, and no longer the sixth-rank Soul Sage.

Intensive sword moves fell on the head of Iron Armored Kuangxi like a storm, including Luo Enen's Cutting the Sky and Waves, Fatty Bai's Big Dipper Batian, Ye Wuse's Saint Soul Tianpo, and even Xie Youran's Misty Clouds Sword Heart, Fang Tianyou's wind and clouds.

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