My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1405 I've got my heart pierced

Although Gu Fenghua has not specially practiced these sword skills, but when answering their questions, he also had some insights. At this time, he unleashed one sword after another, and saw the endless stream of sword lights, like waves of wind and clouds. , A sword is stronger than a sword.

Although the Iron Armored Rhino was strong in defense, it couldn't stand the stormy sword rain and meteors. It was shaken again and again to retreat, and later even rolled and crawled, with a bloody glow on its body from time to time.

As a sixth-order monster, Iron Armored Rhinoceros is obviously not as intelligent as Demonic Eyed Wind Wolf, but it is precisely because of this reason that its intuition for danger is more acute. As Gu Fenghua's sword fell one after another, the fear in its eyes became more and more intense.

"Aw..." Finally, with a deep mournful cry, the Armored Kuangxi turned around and rushed into the jungle, fleeing.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and giant trees were smashed to pieces by it. In just a moment, the huge body of the armored mad rhino disappeared.

"Senior Sister, how are you doing? Does it matter?" Han Yangshu and the others breathed a sigh of relief, rushed to Chang Yingrong in a few steps, and asked worriedly. Recalling the previous scene, several people were still terrified, and thanks to Gu Fenghua's rescue, otherwise what appeared in front of them would probably be a puddle of flesh.

For the rest of Chang Yingrong's life after the catastrophe, her mind went blank and she didn't respond at all.

"Senior Sister!" Yu Le'er shook Chang Yingrong a few times.

"I...I'm fine." Chang Yingrong said with a pale face just after waking up from a dream.

"Look, I said that the magic-eyed wind wolf is powerful, but you still don't believe me, now you know, this giant iron-armored rhinoceros is not as powerful as that wolf king." When it came to fruition, he said to Chang Yingrong.

"Yes, thanks to Fenghua, otherwise we really have nothing to do. Sister, you should really be grateful to Fenghua." Han Yangshu also sighed with emotion with a wry smile.

"No, I'm just looking at your saving face, it has nothing to do with her." Gu Fenghua said lightly, his voice was cold.

God proved that what Yu Le'er said was just to prove that what he said earlier was true, and Han Yangshu only sighed out of fear, and there was no other intention in it. But when these words fell into Chang Yingrong's ears, it was not the case at all. And Gu Fenghua's words slapped his face even more.

"Enough!" Chang Yingrong suddenly roared, her pale face turned red.

"Senior Sister..." Yu Le'er didn't expect that she would suddenly lose her temper and was shocked.

"You are very happy to see me making a fool of yourself and seeing my inferior skills?" Chang Yingrong looked at them with shame and indignation.

Originally, he made up his mind to teach Gu Fenghua a lesson, expose the lies of Han Yangshu and the others, and at the same time let them have a good experience of their own strength, but who knew that this would be the end result. Facing the armored rhinoceros, she had no strength to resist at all. In the end, Gu Fenghua saved her life. Who is stronger and who is weaker, need I say more?

Thinking of her previous cynicism, she was so ashamed that she couldn't bear to feel ashamed. She wished she could dig a hole in the ground and forget about it. However, Le'er and Han Yangshu were still talking sarcasticly at this time. This was clearly slapping her in the face, so loudly. , pierced her heart, all pierced were holes.

It would be fine if it was someone else, but Han Yangshu was the one who spoke, and Senior Sister Chang's glass heart was quietly shattered, leaving only despair and anger.

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