Among the wealthy families, there is no shortage of daughters like Chang Yingrong who are arrogant, arrogant, but have a frighteningly fragile self-esteem. Gu Fenghua has long been familiar with it, so how could he be as knowledgeable as her.

"Rest for a while, I'll take you back to the sect." Gu Fenghua took out a few Xuanqi pills and handed them to Han Yangshu and the others.

Han Yangshu took the holy pill and sighed secretly. Hearing this tone, he knew that Gu Fenghua just sent them back to Nanlizong safely, and he would definitely not stay.

The fact is indeed so, with Gu Fenghua's arrogance, even if she wants to join the sect, she will never choose a middle-grade sect. Now that she is tearing herself apart with Chang Yingrong, it is even more impossible for her to stay in the Nanli sect. If it wasn't for the safety of a few people, she would have left in a hurry.

It took less than an hour to take the Xuanqi Pill, Han Yangshu and the others recovered, and continued to lead Gu Fenghua towards Nanlizong.

The blue mist became thinner and thinner, and after a few days, several people walked out of the Qingwu Mountain. Although they encountered several groups of monsters along the way, their strength was far inferior to the previous Wind Wolf Wolf King and Iron Armored Rhinoceros.

"Sister Fenghua, we will be able to return to Nanlizong in a few days." After leaving Qingwu Mountain, everyone relaxed, and Yu Le'er also regained his previous liveliness, and said to Gu Fenghua excitedly.

"By the way, have the monsters in Qingwu Mountain always been this powerful?" Gu Fenghua asked curiously, still pondering over the wolf king and the armored wild rhinoceros. There was no danger along the way, but she also lost the chance to hunt for the demon pill, and she felt somewhat regretful.

"I don't know, we took another road when we came out. However, some senior brothers have come to Qingwu Mountain to practice before, and I have never heard of any strange things about the monsters here. I don't know what happened this time. It's just the blood of a sixth-level monster, how could it advance to the seventh level?" Han Yangshu replied. Of course he knew that what Gu Fenghua said was referring to the wolf king and the iron armored wild rhinoceros, but he was also at a loss and couldn't figure it out.

Of course Gu Fenghua knew that the advancement of the two monsters was related to Mieshi Zichen, but although Han Yangshu and the others were born in Wuji Holy Heaven, they obviously knew nothing about Mieshi Zichen, so she didn't continue to ask.

After crossing the Qingwu Mountain, there is a vast plain. Occasionally, you can see towns inhabited by humans. The living space for monsters and beasts is much smaller. Leer clings to Gu Fenghua and chatters all day long. Gu Fenghua followed him in everything, he was a little follower. The feeling for Gu Fenghua is even deeper.

A few days later, a group of people came to Nanlizong.

On the vast plain, a mountain rises from the ground. Although the mountain is not high, it gives people a sense of majesty and majesty. At the foot of the mountain stands an archway, on which the big characters of Nanlizong are vigorous and ancient.

The Nanli Sect was obviously protected by formations, and as soon as he arrived at the archway, Gu Fenghua felt the unique energy fluctuations of the formations.

Han Yangshu took out a token and made his handprints. A strange light flickered in front of his eyes, and a stone ladder appeared behind the archway, winding and winding straight to the top of the mountain.

Looking up along the stone ladder, you can see clouds and mists shrouding the sun, pavilions and buildings appearing and disappearing, as if floating in the clouds, and waterfalls flying down, as if hanging nine days.

Gu Fenghua secretly sighed, although this Nanli Sect is only a middle-grade sect, its aura is definitely not weaker than Xinghua Temple, and even a little bit stronger. It is worthy of being the Wuji Holy Heaven where the strong gather, and its background is indeed not comparable to that of the Tianji Continent. Gu Fenghua remembered the gate and stone ladder of the Feitian Sect, the Feitian Sect should have been stronger than this middle-grade sect back then.

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