"Okay, you guys go back, see you later." Gu Fenghua said. After delivering Han Yangshu and the others to Nanlizong safely, it's time for her to leave.

"Sister Fenghua, why don't you leave for a few days." Yu Le'er held Gu Fenghua by the corner of his clothes and said reluctantly.

Although Nanli Sect has loose control over the disciples of the outer sect, but she is evasive by nature, making big mistakes without making small mistakes, and is often reprimanded by others. She is very close to her, and loves her very much. After getting along day and night, she has long regarded Gu Fenghua as her own sister, and she is reluctant to part with her.

Gu Fenghua looked at the tears in Yu Leer's eyes, and she was also a little bit reluctant. This delicate and silly little girl makes people feel distressed. I don't know when we will see each other again after parting.

"Senior Brother Han, you are back!" At this moment, two disciples guarding the sect came up to meet them.

Seeing Han Yangshu, both of their faces were full of joy.

"Junior Brother He, Junior Brother Zhao, why are you two guarding the sect?" Han Yangshu asked strangely.

No matter how you say it, Nanli Sect is also a middle-grade sect. Usually there are more than ten outer disciples guarding the sect, but today there are only two of them. Could it be that something happened to the sect?

"Senior Brother Han, hurry up and go to the Holy Dao Terrace. Today is the period for the two sects to discuss the Dao. Our inner disciples of the Skill Sect have two wins, one draw and one loss. After a while, it will be the turn of the outer disciples to compete." The two outer disciples had no time to explain. Said anxiously.

"I remember that there is still half a month left for the discussion period, why is it brought forward?" Hearing what he said, Han Yangshu was even more surprised.

"Something has changed, Senior Brother Han, you will know in a while, hurry up and go to the Holy Dao Terrace, this time, whether our Skill Sect wins or loses, most of us will rely on our outer disciples." A disciple urged.

"Fenghua, the two sects discuss Daoism is a grand event held every three years by our Nanli Sect's Jizong and Fazong's, why don't you go and observe it before leaving?" Han Yangshu turned his head and said earnestly to Gu Fenghua.

Because of Chang Yingrong, Gu Fenghua will definitely not stay in the Nanli Sect. Han Yangshu is naturally deeply regretful, and these two schools of discussion are actually the triennial competition between the Ji Sect and the Fa Sect. There are great benefits to practicing, and he doesn't want Gu Fenghua to miss this opportunity again.

"Okay, then I'll go and observe it before leaving." Gu Fenghua saw Han Yangshu's intentions at a glance, knew that he was thinking of himself, and she was also reluctant to part with Le'er, so he no longer refused. Of course, she was also somewhat curious about the strength of the Wuji Shengtian middle-grade sect.

"Junior Brother He, Junior Brother Zhao, this is Gu Fenghua, Senior Sister Gu, who has saved our lives. I would like to invite her to stay in the sect for a few days, and go to two sects to observe the Dao." Han Yangshu said to He Zhaoer said the man.

In fact, with his current strength, he is firmly in the top three among the outer disciples, and his status is far above those guarding the sect. It is not a big deal to bring a friend back to the sect for a few days, but He and Zhao have the responsibility of guarding the clan anyway, so they always have to say hello.

"It's a trivial matter, Senior Brother Han can just figure it out." Hearing that Gu Fenghua had saved Han Yangshu's life, both He and Zhao were in awe, so they didn't dare to say anything more.

Han Yangshu didn't say anything more, and led Gu Fenghua towards the peak.

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