On the top of the peak, stands a square competition platform, which is three feet high and more than ten feet wide. If you look closely, it is actually carved from a whole block of bluestone. The birds and animals carved around it are full of ancient flavor. The formation protection is still full of traces of wind and rain erosion, and it seems to have a history of at least tens of thousands of years.

Seeing this competition platform, Gu Fenghua's understanding of the sects of Wuji Shengtian has deepened. It is only a middle-rank sect with such a background, so the background of the top-rank sect and the holy sect should be so deep How far!

There are two groups of Nanli Sect disciples sitting under the stage, and they are clearly separated from each other. On the stage, two disciples are competing. One of them has a long sword embroidered on the corner of his clothes, and the other has cloud patterns embroidered on the corners of his clothes. The former is a disciple of Jizong, and the latter is a disciple of Fazong.

When Gu Fenghua followed Han Yangshu and others to the audience, the two were fighting fiercely. The sword technique of the disciple of the Jizong was exquisite, with endless tricks, and the holy method of the disciple of the Fazong was both offensive and defensive, which opened Gu Fenghua's eyes. These are completely two levels from Feitianzong's techniques.

"Senior brother Han, you're back!" Seeing Han Yangshu, a member of the technical sect station shouted in surprise, and got up to give up his seat.

"Hush!" Han Yangshu made a silent gesture, and took Gu Fenghua and Zhou Siqin to find a place to sit beside him.

The two sects discuss Daoism is a grand meeting held every three years by the Nanli Sect. Not only disciples from the inner and outer sects, but also ordinary servants are allowed to observe, so there are as many as a thousand disciples in the audience, but no one notices Gu Fenghua, an outsider.

"Senior Brother Han, you came back at the right time. It's time for our outer disciples to play in a while." The young disciple said to Han Yangshu happily.

"I remember that there is still some time left for the two schools of discussion, why is it earlier?" Han Yangshu asked suspiciously.

"A few days ago, the two elders quarreled again. If it weren't for the advice of a few senior uncles, they would almost fight. Although they didn't make a move in the end, the two elders did not calm down, so they simply held two seminars in advance. Win or lose is judged by the strength of the two cases." The name replied.

"Arguing again? What's the reason this time? Is Elder Chang causing trouble again for no reason?" Han Yangshu smiled wryly. Obviously, this was not the first time the two elders had quarreled, and the disciples below were used to it.

"It's really not Elder Chang who made trouble this time, it's Elder Qiu who tricked others." The disciple also smiled wryly, and said with some shame.

"Oh, what's going on?" Han Yangshu was surprised. In the past, when the two elders had disputes, most of them were provoked by Chang Wanfa, the head of the Fazong. Unexpectedly, this time, it was Elder Qiu of their Jizong who provoked the trouble and tricked others.

"Do you still remember the Supreme Elder?" the disciple asked.

"Of course I remember, what's wrong?" Han Yangshu asked. After asking, he explained to Gu Fenghua in a low voice, "In addition to the elder Qiuqianjian of Jizong and the elder Chang Wanfa of Fazong, our Nanlizong also has a supreme elder named Qing Yuchi. This elder Qing is full of talents. It does not belong to Jianzong, nor does it belong to Fazong, and has a very high status in the sect."

"The Supreme Elder came back a few days ago." The disciple noticed that Gu Fenghua was a little embarrassed, but because she was brought back by Han Yangshu, he didn't care, and continued.

"Elder Qing is back, has he crossed the tribulation of life and death?" Han Yangshu said in surprise.

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