Both of them figured it out, even if Gu Fenghua's talent is good, no matter how extraordinary his future achievements are, they are still in the future. As long as her cultivation is abolished today, there will be no future to speak of.

The Nanli Sect disciples all around took a few steps back again, looking at Gu Fenghua with gloating pity: It's not good to offend anyone, and dare to provoke our Nanli Sect, isn't this courting death?

Although the power of Gu Fenghua's sword just now is indeed not small, but the three blue holy beads also exposed her strength, she is only the third rank of Xuansheng, and she is still a casual cultivator, how could she be the opponent of Tiansheng, no matter which elder made the move Well, crushing her to death would be like crushing an ant.

"Cut, don't you want to be ashamed? You are thousands of years old together. What kind of ability is bullying a junior in his teens or twenties? How can you still be dignified? Dignified ass!" At this moment, a disharmonious The voice rang out.

I saw a pretty girl in a green shirt walking over with her hands behind her back, full of disdain.

"Enen!" Gu Fenghua looked at the familiar face in surprise and exclaimed.

Although Gu Fenghua immediately thought of Luo Enen when he heard about the little senior sister who had a tiankeng aura in Nanlizong, but he was not sure after all. Seeing it with his own eyes at this time, his mood can be imagined, excited and pleasantly surprised .

"Fenghua!" Compared to Gu Fenghua's introvertedness, Luo Enen is more extroverted, and her emotions are more direct. Before her voice fell, she had already walked a few steps to Gu Fenghua's body, hugged her tightly, and was overjoyed Tears fell like raindrops.

Qiu Qianjian and Chang Wanfa looked at each other, originally wanted to teach Gu Fenghua a lesson, but never dreamed that Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen had known each other for a long time, and it seemed that their friendship was not shallow. With Nanlizong's detached status, it might be a bit embarrassing for him to teach Gu Fenghua a lesson.

"Hmph, I don't think I have such confidence. I don't take our Nanli sect seriously. It turns out that there are people backing us." Chang Yingrong said in a strange way.

Gu Fenghua glanced at Chang Yingrong lightly, the depths of his eyes were icy cold. At first, I thought this woman was just stupid with high eyesight and low hands, but I didn't expect that she was not only stupid, but also poisonous. This kind of person, she will never be soft...

The faces of Qiuqianjian and Chang Wanfa suddenly became ugly. Although Luo Enen's status is detached, it is only because of the elders. She is just a little girl in her teens and twenties. With her backing, she would not take Nanlizong seriously, let alone the two elders. If this matter is left alone, how can the two of them have any dignity at all in the future, and how can they convince the public?

"Cough, cough, little junior sister." The two coughed a few times and called out to Luo Enen.

"What's wrong?" Luo Enen asked impatiently, wiping away tears.

She was just looking for a place to have a good chat with Gu Fenghua about what happened after the breakup, so how could she have time to pay attention to these two bad old men.

"The comparison of the two sects has not been finished yet, little junior sister, do you think you should deal with some matters first?" Qiu Qianjian said.

"Then you guys continue to compete. What else is there to deal with? Fenghua, let's go. I don't bother to pay attention to them. I have nothing to do except tearing up all day long." Luo Enen pulled Gu Fenghua and left.

"Wait!" Chang Wanjian called out to Lornen.

"What's the matter?" Lonen asked with displeasure.

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