"As you know, these two discussions are the grand event of our Nanli Sect every three years. Your friend interrupting the competition without authorization is really disrespectful to our Nanli Sect." Chang Wanfa said.

"So what?" Lonen raised his head and asked.

"My Nanli Sect is a middle-grade sect anyway. If this matter cannot be handled properly, how will we restrain the disciples in the future? Who will take our Nanli Sect seriously." Qiu Qianjian said in a deep voice.

"Then how do you want to deal with it?" Lonen asked coldly, his face darkened.

"Originally, we wanted to expel Gu Fenghua from the Nanli sect by abolishing her cultivation base, but since she is your friend, we will make an exception. Her cultivation base can be guaranteed, but she must be punished. Let her go Tianfengya has been facing the wall for three years, which can be regarded as a lesson for her, what do you think, little junior sister?" Chang Wanfa said.

"Hmph, do you think I don't know what Tianfengya is? Why don't you go and try it for a few days?" Luo Enen said angrily.

Tianfengya is the place where the Nanli Sect punishes the disciples who violated the rules. The wind is like a knife all year round, and there is no place to hide. At Tianfengya, not to mention facing the wall for three years, even for one year, if you don't die, you will have to peel off your skin. Therefore, many disciples who violated the sect rules would rather be expelled from the sect than go to Tianfengya to suffer.

Chang Wanfa actually wanted Gu Fenghua to go to Tianfengya to face the wall, so it's better to fight directly.

"Junior Sister, my Nanli Sect has the rules of the Nanli Sect. Even if you are the disciple of the Supreme Elder, you can't break the rules." Chang Wanfa continued.

Originally, he didn't want to make things difficult for Lonen because of the detached status of the elders in the ether, but after being provoked by Chang Yingrong, for the sake of the elder's face, he couldn't care less about it, anyway, he had his reasons for it.

Besides, Luo Enen has been tossing his holy law peak into a state of uneasiness these days, he really took a deep breath, and just took advantage of this opportunity to vent his anger. He can't do anything about Lornen, can't he deal with a mere casual cultivator?

"What's wrong with the rules? I only know that Fenghua is my best friend. Her affairs are my affairs. If you want to be punished, you should punish me as well." Luo Enen stood in front of Gu Fenghua.

"Junior sister, the state owns the country's laws, and the family has its own rules. If you don't follow the rules, it's hard to be perfect." Qiu Qianjian said with a sigh, but his face became colder and colder.

"Are you really going to attack me?" Luo Enen looked at Qiu Chang in disbelief.

The two didn't say anything, but they both had frosty faces. The meaning couldn't be more obvious. Even if she, Luo Enen, came forward today, she would never be able to keep Gu Fenghua. Even if they offended Luo Enen, they must teach Gu Fenghua a severe lesson.

"Okay, okay, I knew it would be like this. Master, his old man's bones are not cold, so you treat me like this!" Luo Enen suddenly burst into tears with a sad face, "Master...father...you are so miserable. , everyone bullies me, they don't want me to stay in Nanlizong at all, that's all, anyway, I'm not their opponent, I don't need them to do anything, I just come down to accompany you, master...fu..."

Accompanied by the heart-piercing howls, Luo Enen took out a white silk and hung it on a crooked neck tree in the back, ready to hang herself!

Seeing this scene, all the Nanli Sect disciples around were stunned. No one thought that this little uncle's temperament would be so "strong".

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