My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1432 Ambitious, Ideal and Pursuing

You must know that the vastness of the Wuji Holy Heaven is still above the Tianji Continent, and there are as many sects, large and small, as the hair of an ox. The Tiansheng Palace has thousands of sects in charge. With hundreds of sects, the former glory of Nanli Sect can be imagined.

"At first, I wanted to find thighs to hug, but I didn't expect Nanlizong to have the thickest thighs. Unfortunately, it's all in the past." Luo Enen said with great regret.

"I said, can't you have a little ambition, a little ideal, a little pursuit?" Gu Fenghua was silent for a while, and said bitterly.

"Aren't I very ambitious, ideal, and pursuing, looking for a thigh hug? By the way, you are actually the thickest thigh. Knowing you is the luckiest thing in my life." Luo Enen said confidently , In the end, he still didn't forget to flatter Gu Fenghua.

"..." Such an ambitious, idealistic and pursuing answer left Gu Fenghua speechless.

"Have you found out about that monster?" Gu Fenghua asked, changing the subject. She has been completely defeated by Luo Enen's reluctance to make progress, and she will probably go crazy if she continues.

"No, how about you?" Lonen shook his head and said.

"I didn't find out either." Gu Fenghua also shook his head. She searched through the history books, but did not find any records about the monster and the battle.

"Han Yangshu said it's just a legend, maybe there is no such thing at all, it's just spreading rumors." Luo Enen threw down the ancient book, yawned and stretched. With her tired and lazy nature, it is not easy to stay in Zangshu Pavilion for three days.

"It may not be just a legend. Have you noticed that the decline of Nanli Sect began nearly ten thousand years ago, which coincides with the appearance of the monster Han Yangshu mentioned." Gu Fenghua said in a deep voice.

"You mean, what Han Yangshu said is true, and the downfall of Nanli Sect is related to that monster?" Luo Enen was not stupid, and immediately understood what Gu Fenghua meant.

"Yeah." Gu Fenghua nodded, but soon said with regret, "But there is no trace in the history books, so I'm just guessing."

"Forget it, I can't find it anyway, no matter how much it is, I'll have something to eat, do you want it?" Luo Enen took out two boxes of snacks and handed a box to Gu Fenghua.

"Eat it, I'll look at the others." Gu Fenghua took the snack. This is the chestnut cake Lonen bought from Lanshan City. The taste is far from comparable to that of Xinghua Capital, but it is still passable. Besides, something to eat is better than nothing to eat.

While eating chestnut cakes, Gu Fenghua looked through other strange arts such as Dan Dao, Qi Dao, etc. on other bookshelves. It's a pity that Nanli Sect is obviously not good at strange arts. Although there are a lot of books, they are not much better than what she has learned. Gu Fenghua read it for a while, but the gains are extremely limited, and gradually feel a little boring .

"Forget it, let's go." Gu Fenghua said to Luo Enen, who was wolfing down the food.

"Let's go, by the way, where is Han Yangshu?" Luo Enen stuffed the last piece of chestnut cake into his mouth, swallowed it forcefully, and asked while clapping his hands and looking around.

It was only then that Gu Fenghua remembered that there was another person. He looked up, but he didn't see Han Yangshu's figure.

"Will you get impatient and go out first?" Luo Enen said.

"Impossible, how could he let go of such a rare opportunity so easily?" Gu Fenghua started looking for it after speaking.

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