My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1433 Too Difficult and Failed

The Zangshu Pavilion is not small, and the two of them searched around before finding Han Yangshu in a small open space in the corner.

At this time, Han Yangshu held the long sword in his hand, bent his knees, and stared at the bookshelf in front of him for a long time. An open ancient book was placed on the bookshelf. Enen didn't realize it when she came by her side.

"Jianling, Jiuxiao!" Han Yangshu suddenly shouted softly, and the long sword stabbed out quickly.

It turned out that he was comprehending Sword Ling Jiuxiao. This is the most powerful technique of the Nanli Sect's technique sect. There are nine realms in total, but the outer disciples can only learn the first three realms, and the later realms can only be found in the Zangshu Pavilion.

Gu Fenghua felt that the sword style and intent of this sword far surpassed the sword Ling Jiuxiao that Han Yangshu used in the two sects of Taoism, but it was obvious that he had not yet realized the essence of it, not only did he not achieve the unity of sword and man The state of the world, and there is no afterimage of the clone, the power in this sword is not as good as his previous level.

"Oh, it's too difficult, and I failed again." Han Yangshu concentrated all his mind on this sword, but he still didn't notice the arrival of Gu Fenghua and the two of them. He sighed, closed his eyes again, and was ready to continue trying.

Seeing that he was concentrating on comprehending sword skills, Gu Fenghua and the two of them did not interrupt, and stood aside to observe.

This time, Han Yangshu took longer to prepare. It took more than half an hour before he opened his eyes again and stabbed out with a sword.

The long sword pierced through the air, and there was a soft buzzing sound, and his eyes also burst into divine light. Judging from the situation, it was obvious that he had injected all his energy, energy, and even the power of life into this sword.

It's a pity that he only handed out the long sword halfway, and his whole body shook, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and then fell straight to the ground.

"Yang Shu!" Gu Fenghua hurriedly stepped forward to support Han Yangshu, his fingers quickly sealed his blood.

"You... When did you come here?" Han Yangshu noticed that Gu Fenghua and the two had already arrived beside him, but he didn't realize it. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said apologetically.

"Don't talk yet." Gu Fenghua took out a Taihe Xuan Huan Pill and swallowed it for him.

Needless to say, the curative effect of the heavenly elixir, Han Yangshu just failed to comprehend sword skills and suffered backlash, the injury was not serious, and he recovered quickly after taking the elixir.

"I made you laugh. I didn't expect it to be so difficult to comprehend the fourth level of Ling Jiuxiao." Han Yangshu stood up and said embarrassingly.

He thought that he had already cultivated Jian Ling Jiuxiao to the third level, and it should not be difficult to comprehend the fourth level, but when he got started, he realized that he was completely wrong. It's two different things, with his current strength, he can't comprehend it at all.

"This is the fourth level of practice of Jianling Jiuxiao?" Gu Fenghua picked up the ancient sword manual curiously.

The sword skills in the sword manual are rich in pictures and texts, as well as the experience and insights left by the predecessors of the past dynasties. Of course, not everyone dares to scribble on it, only those who are recognized as strong of a generation have the qualification and courage. Trying to figure out the sword skills on the pages of the book, Gu Fenghua could even feel the sword intent coming into his mind.

This is also the preciousness of the original sword manual. Sword skills or holy methods like Jian Ling Jiuxiao were all from the hands of the top experts at that time. While writing the sword manual with painstaking efforts, they naturally left After comprehending one's own sword intent, it will be easier for future generations to comprehend the essence of it, but after copying it down, there will be no such effect.

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