My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1453 Laziness is so fresh and refined

"Enen, don't scare them." Looking at Han Yangshu and the others who were suffering in dire straits, Gu Fenghua said with great sympathy, "Don't worry, I cooked the rice, let's come and eat together."

Han Yangshu and the others let out a long sigh of relief, and walked towards the stone table.

"As for it, even if I make it a bit unpalatable, I shouldn't be scared like this." Seeing Han Yangshu and the others relieved as if they had escaped a catastrophe, Luo Enen became even more depressed.

"You think it's just a bit unpalatable. That's because you have the God Transforming Grass on you, but they don't have it. Have you noticed that since I threw the pot of emerald green jade porridge you made by the wall, the surrounding area in the yard has Have you even seen a fly?" Gu Fenghua said mercilessly.

This time, Lornen was completely discouraged. Because the aura of Qingxi Valley is much thinner than other places, people rarely come here. There are wild beasts and even monsters on weekdays. The pot of emerald and sapphire porridge was thrown into the corner. Ever since a hungry wild cat licked it twice and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, it fell to the ground. Within a few hundred feet, there were no beasts, not even flies and mosquitoes. Only.

Even Miss Luo herself had to admit that the delicacy she carefully cooked was too toxic.

"Forget it, I'd better stop cooking in the future, just buy, buy, buy, and eat honestly." Luo Enen finally chose to give up.

"Can you pursue a little bit, even if you don't cook, you can still concentrate on cultivation, don't forget, as a saint teacher, strength is the most important thing." Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen with hatred.

If you don’t cook, you just buy, buy, buy, eat, and eat. How can people wait to die like this?

"Of course I want to practice, but following you, how easy it is to improve my strength, just use more snacks, why bother to torture myself." Lonen muttered while gulping down porridge. Gu Fenghua's culinary skills are indeed much better than hers, which made her once again determined to give up cooking and concentrate on shopping and eating.

"Little uncle, I have heard from the elders that cultivation is one's own business, and one cannot rely on others." Yu Le'er reminded in a low voice.

"Of course I can't rely on others, but Fenghua is not someone else. She is my best friend. Friends, aren't they just for relying on?" Luo Enen said confidently.

It was obviously a very lack of ambition and backbone, but she said it so righteously and so naturally, Han Yangshu and the others were speechless.

They suddenly became a little skeptical, could they really learn something from such a young master uncle for sword skills?

Such doubts did not last for too long, and soon they knew that they had underestimated this little uncle.

"Take these few Zhengyi Xuanshen pills first, and then start practicing later." After a short break after the meal, Gu Fenghua took out a few holy pills that had already been refined and handed them to several people.

Han Yangshu took the holy pill and took it down. Zhou Siqin and Yu Le'er heard him talk about the holy pill last night and saw his breakthrough in sword skills, so they didn't hesitate at all.

Soon, the sound of crying and laughing from several people resounded in the yard. Because something went wrong with Han Yangshuo's Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill yesterday, Gu Fenghua was extra careful this time and made some adjustments in the amount of medicinal materials. Although the heavenly grade holy pill was refined in the end, the power of the pill was much weaker.

Although Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin were crying and laughing, they kept their minds tight and did not lose their mind like Han Yangshu did yesterday.

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