My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1454 Gu Fenghua is dumbfounded

The most surprising thing is that Yu Le'er, who is the youngest and weakest, is the calmest. Except for giggling when she is happy, and wiping a few tears when she is sad, she is completely the same as usual. From her eyes, she could see the kind of resentment that made people feel hair-raising.

This is of course because she is still young and her mind is more pure. At her current age, how could there be so much joy, anger, sorrow, and so much resentment.

Because of the weaker pill power, the few people didn't pass out like Luo Enen and Han Yangshu did yesterday. They gradually calmed down after crying and laughing for a while, and their eyes became unusually clear.

Sensing the improvement of divine sense, Zhou Siqin and Yu Le'er quickly took out the sword manual and began to comprehend it. The two of them are not as strong as Han Yangshu. Understand, of course this is normal, after all, Yu Le'er is young and has only joined Nanli Sect for a short time, and as an outer disciple, it is not easy to have such a cultivation level.

Although Han Yangshu didn't bring out the sword manuals of the next few levels out of the Zangshu Pavilion, the method of practice has already been imprinted in his mind, and he only needs to concentrate on comprehending it.

Time passed slowly, and after about an hour, several people raised their heads again.

"Are you all ready? We'll start when we're ready." Lonen said energetically. In the past, it was Gu Fenghua who taught them how to practice. This was the first time she taught others, so she was very excited.

"It's ready, please tell me my little uncle." Han Yangshu and the others said respectfully.

"Don't worry, I will give you good advice, and you will know how lucky you are to meet a good uncle like me, Luo Enen, ha ha... ha ha..." Luo Enen smiled vigorously.

Han Yangshu and the others looked at Luo Enen strangely, why did the young master's smile look so ferocious, and his laughter so embarrassing? There was a sudden ominous premonition in their hearts.

"Jiutian, Huanlei!" Before a few people could react, Luo Enen had already slashed out with his sword impatiently.

"Boom!" After the afterimage passed by, there was a muffled sound, and Han Yangshu was directly sent flying by his sword.

Zhou Siqin stood there without moving, but when the thunder light fell on his head, his whole body was shaken. In the next moment, his face turned into black charcoal, his hair stood on end, and there were wisps of green smoke emitting from it.

Yu Le'er was the luckiest. Knowing that she was young and weak, Miss Luo didn't hit hard, but was knocked to the ground.

Even Gu Fenghua didn't expect that Luo Enen would suddenly strike such a heavy hand, he was stunned and didn't even have time to stop it.

With one sword in hand, Luo Enen didn't stop, and immediately rushed out with claws and claws, punching and kicking Han Yangshu and the others who were caught off guard. Thus, the nightmare of several people began.

"Little uncle, stop...stop, let me prepare, come and help me..."

"I won't come, I won't come, little uncle, please forgive me..." The courtyard was full of chaos, and at the same time, Han Yangshu and the others were crying and howling.

Regardless of the strength of several people, but in terms of sword skills, they are really inferior to Lonen, and their actual combat experience is far inferior. In addition, Lonen has taken the lead, so there is no way to fight back force.

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