"I believe that after the battle just now, I believe that your understanding of the way of swords has deepened. In fact, there are thousands of ways of swordsmanship. In the final analysis, it is to control the sword with energy, control the sword with heart, and control the sword with mind. Of course, Jian Ling Jiuxiao is no exception. It's just more subtle than ordinary sword skills. If you want to control the sword with your mind, the movement and control of the holy energy are very important. If you control it well, you can get twice the result with half the effort. If you don't control it well, you will get twice the result with half the effort..." Lorne Encai didn't care what a few people were thinking, and started talking on his own.

What battle? It's obviously unilateral bullying, okay? Han Yangshu and the others couldn't help but slander. However, they still have to admit that Luo Enen's understanding of Jianling Jiuxiao far exceeds theirs. After listening to her explanation, they have a deeper understanding of this set of skills.

It's no wonder that the sword Ling Jiuxiao originally came from the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword, and Luo Enen can comprehend even the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword. .

"How about it, do you feel that you have benefited a lot? Do you think listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books?" After the explanation, Luo Enen said with a face of complacency, but it's a pity that she didn't have a long tail, otherwise she would have been in the sky long ago.

"Master, you are so amazing. I haven't understood it after thinking about it for a long time, but I understand it as soon as I hear you say it." Yu Le'er said with a look of admiration.

"Thank you, little uncle, for your guidance. I really benefited a lot, but there are still a few things I don't understand." Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin were grateful, and they didn't want to grudge the previous torture, and said respectfully.

"I don't understand, do you? I believe you will understand soon." On the corner of Lornen's mouth, that disturbing smile suddenly appeared again.

not good! Han Yangshu drew his sword almost instinctively, but unfortunately his reaction was a bit slow after all, the long sword was only half drawn, and Luo Enen's complacent shout came from his ears: "Nine days, magic thunder!"

Immediately afterwards, he flew out again like flying through the clouds.

"Little uncle, you said that you don't move your hands or feet." In mid-air, Han Yangshu roared angrily.

"This time, I moved the sword!" Lornen said confidently.

At the same time as the words fell, a thunderbolt hit Zhou Siqin's head again, and Yu Le'er fell to the ground with experience.

In the yard, the ghostly crying and wolf howling of several people sounded again.

Seeing this tragic scene, Gu Fenghua was speechless for a while: This Luo Enen is really too shameless and bullying.

Gu Fenghua can be sure that Miss Luo's advice will be remembered by Han Yangshu and the others for a lifetime, and will appear in their nightmares for a long time.

The little white flower didn't know when it jumped to the ground, swaying the flower plate and dancing, looking very excited.

"Is Chichi singing again? What are you singing about?" Lonen punched and kicked, but also turned his head and asked excitedly. I haven't seen it sing for a while, and I feel quite nostalgic.

"I have seen that a tragedy is being staged, and there is no joy at the end of the drama. I am still hiding in your dream... face... face..." Gu Fenghua cleared his throat and began to sing expressionlessly.

Looking at Gu Fenghua's calm face, Luo Enen's expression became extremely weird again: Why every time I listen to her singing, I always make people want to laugh but can't laugh, of course, I can't complain about this Gu Fenghua, she is just imitating the cheap singing voice, in her words: you just want to laugh when you hear me sing, but if you can hear it sing, you will want to die.


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