My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1457 These beatings are not for nothing

For the next few days, Qingxi Valley staged such tragedies every day, and the helpless and mournful wailing sounded again and again.

Although Han Yangshu and the others have raised their vigilance, there is nothing they can do. Their little uncle is too shameless, she will do it if she says she can do it, and she can't do it if she says she can't do it. Who made her an uncle?

To put it more bluntly, she can do it whenever she wants, and no one dares to do it unless she says she wants to do it, and once she does it, others will never have the chance to do it again.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. Facing such a shameless little uncle, it is simply impossible to guard against.

Fortunately, these beatings were not for nothing. Under Miss Luo's tireless teaching, the sword skills of several people have improved rapidly. The realms are becoming more and more perfect. Even Yu Le'er, who is the weakest in cultivation, has fully comprehended the first realm of Jianling Jiuxiao, and began to comprehend the second realm.

Of course, this is also thanks to Gu Fenghua's Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill. If it weren't for the great increase in divine sense, even if Luo Enen exhausted himself to death, it would never be possible for them to have such a huge improvement.

Although a few people did not deliberately publicize it, Yu Leer's promotion still fell into the eyes of many caring people. You must know that she has only been a beginner for two years, and she has actually cultivated Jian Ling Jiuxiao to the second level. Such an achievement , even stronger than Han Yangshu in the past.

All of a sudden, the outer sect disciples of the Technical Sect gathered, and Qingxi Valley was no longer as quiet as it used to be—oh yes, Qingxi Valley has never been quiet since Luo Enen began to point out Han Yangshu and the others. .

Luo Enen likes to be lively, and it was her nephew and nephew who came here, and they all treated her respectfully. It was rare for her to get over the addiction of being a teacher and uncle, and of course they would not refuse anyone who came.

Originally, Luo Enen wanted to give each of them a few Profound Profound Pills, and help these nephews improve their cultivation, so as to show their strength as an uncle—to put it bluntly, that is, to pretend X.

It's a pity that most of the medicinal materials for refining the Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill are top-notch medicinal herbs. Although she scraped the land several times in the two major medicinal gardens, she couldn't stand the consumption of so many people, and finally had no choice but to give up.

Fortunately, her understanding of the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword has also improved a lot during these days. Even if there is no Zhengyixuan Shendan, it is not a big problem to instruct those outside disciples of the Skill Sect to practice the sword Ling Jiuxiao. The disciples who came to Qingxi Valley have improved a lot.

As a result, Little Martial Uncle Luo's name and reputation in Nanli Sect became more and more famous. Later, not only the outer disciples of the Ji Sect, but even the outer disciples of the Fa Sect came here after hearing the news, and humbly asked her Ask, Qingxi Valley has become more lively.

The Qingxi Valley is lively, but the Holy Sword Peak and the Holy Law Peak are of course deserted.

"What about people, where did they go, everyone is so slack, come to my Nanli sect to take care of them?" Chang Wanfa scolded furiously at Shengfa Peak, the training field of outer disciples.

Today is the day when the elders of the Nanli Sect visit the clan. According to the rules of the Nanli Sect, the elders have the duty of preaching and imparting karma to supervise their disciples' cultivation, and they visit the clan once a month.

Chang Wanfa did not neglect his duties. He went to inspect the training ground of the inner sect early in the morning and was quite satisfied with the performance of the disciples of the inner sect. However, when he came to the training ground of the outer sect, he only saw a few scattered figures. How can he not be angry when everyone else is missing?

"Master, they, they..." A young man in his early thirties stammered, looking quietly at Chang Yingrong as he spoke.

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