My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1458 I feel much more comfortable

His name is Ji Yingshi, and he is a direct disciple of Fazong and Chang Wanfa. Although he is young and his cultivation level is not too high, he has only reached the third rank of Profound Sage, but his aptitude is extremely good. With a cultivation base of the third grade, he has already comprehended the three great arts of Fazong Feitian Yunling, Jinghua Shuiyue and Jiutian Jianlei, so Chang Wanfa attaches great importance to him, and even the outer disciples are taught by him.

Ji Yingshi was extremely grateful for his master's great love. He was afraid of betraying his trust, so he always showed conscientiousness. A few days ago, when the disciples of Fa Zongmen went to Qingxi Valley to ask Luo Enen for advice, he wanted to report it to Chang Wanfa. But was stopped by Chang Yingrong. Seeing Master getting angry at this time, he couldn't help being frightened, so he could only ask Chang Yingrong for help.

"What's wrong with them, what's going on?" Chang Wanfa was even more angry when he saw his hesitation, and asked angrily.

Ji Yingshi was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he almost fell to his knees.

"They have gone to Qingxi Valley!" At this time, Chang Yingrong said.

In fact, she knew about it a long time ago, but she never told Chang Wanfa, because not many people went there at that time, even if Chang Wanfa knew, it would probably be nothing. Just get used to it. She couldn't understand this third uncle's cautious temperament very well.

But now, more than half of the disciples from the outer sect have gone all at once, and I believe it is impossible for Third Uncle to remain indifferent.

In fact, it was indeed as she had guessed.

"Qingxi Valley? What are they going to do in Qingxi Valley?" Chang Wanfa was stunned and asked in puzzlement.

"I heard that I went to ask Uncle Luo for advice. This Uncle Luo is amazing. All the disciples who have been taught by her have improved in strength. Now in our Nanli Sect, who does not know that Uncle Luo? Great name." Chang Yingrong pretended to be filled with emotion and said.

"Nonsense, nonsense, she has only been in the sect for a few days, she has only studied with the elders for a few days, and she dares to learn from others to preach and teach. What does she want to do?" Chang Wanfa roared angrily, his old face was full of anger Get flushed.

No one answered his question, and Chang Yingrong also remained silent, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

If it wasn't for her fanning the flames before, Chang Wanfa wouldn't think too much even if he was angry, but now, it's hard to say...

"Preaching and teaching has been the job of the elders of our two schools of techniques since ancient times. No one else can interfere. This Luo Enen is so good at overstepping his authority before he becomes an elder. She obviously doesn't take us seriously. She What exactly do you want to do, do you want to be the suzerain, do you want to change the clan rules?" Chang Wanfa became more and more angry, and finally expressed his true thoughts, which was also what he was most worried about.

At this moment, on the opposite Holy Sword Peak, an angry old man with trembling white beard came striding forward. It was Qiu Wanjian, the elder of Jizong.

"Sure enough, I guessed that not only my disciples of Jizong are deceived by others, but also disciples of Fazong. This Luo Enen is really deceiving people too much!" Seeing the deserted scene in the training field of Fazong's outer , Qiu Wanjian roared angrily.

"Elder Qiu, could it be that all the disciples from the outer sect of your Jizong have also gone to Qingxi Valley?" Chang Wanjian only cared about getting angry, but didn't think much about the matter of Jizong. Guessing that Jizong is no better than his own Fazong, he feels much more comfortable.

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