My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1479 I feel relieved just thinking about it

"So that's how it is. I understand. Sister Fenghua, you are so cunning." Yu Leer and Han Yangshu all expressed admiration.

By now, of course they have realized that Gu Fenghua's acting like an elder is not really ignorant, but to annoy Ji Yingshi and the two elders and divert everyone's attention. On that occasion, they would have been at a loss for a long time, but Gu Fenghua didn't lose his sense of proportion at all, and gave the pill to Luo Enen so calmly, can you not admire it?

"You can't blame me for being cunning. Others have come to slap you in the face. You can't just stick out the right cheek if you slap the left cheek." Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

Strictly speaking, today the two elders fled and lost their prestige, and she was the real servant, but she didn't feel guilty at all.

Because she knows very well that if Luo Enen can't defeat Ji Yingshi today, and let Chang Wanfa and others ridicule and humiliate her, it will definitely hurt her self-esteem, make her depressed for a long time, and even become her inner demon. One day in the future, it will become the biggest obstacle to her cultivation path. As Lornen's best friend, she would never allow this to happen.

"It's true, the two elders are indeed a bit too much. The little uncle just kindly pointed out our cultivation, and didn't offend them. Why did they let Ji Yingshi make trouble? Fortunately, the little master broke through at a critical moment and beat us hard. He paused, and I feel relieved just thinking about it." Yu Le'er was deeply impressed by Gu Fenghua's words, and she was excited when she spoke.

It seems that this submissive little girl also has a tiger in her heart.

"However, in this way, I'm afraid I'll completely offend the two elders." Han Yangshu said worriedly.

"What does that matter? Even if Enen doesn't do anything today and lets them bully, will they really treat Enen with courtesy?" Gu Fenghua said disapprovingly.

Neither Han Yangshu nor Zhou Siqin spoke, obviously acquiescing to Gu Fenghua's words.

Yu Le'er was still young, so she didn't understand why the two elders acquiesced to Ji Yingshi's coming to Qingxi Valley to provoke Luo Enen, but they guessed that it was probably related to Luo Enen's recent instruction of two sects and stealing the limelight .

If Luo Enen is really a mess waiting to die, the two elders don't care, they just turn a blind eye to support her, but as long as she shows her extraordinary talent and strength, her reputation will gradually increase, threatening their future. Status, they will never tolerate it, it's only a matter of time before they turn their faces.

"Le'er, you have to remember that in this world, if you want to be respected by others, you must show your strength, otherwise, you will always be despised and bullied by others." Gu Fenghua said to Le'er earnestly. Said.

"Well, I get it, I will definitely cultivate hard." Yu Le'er seemed to understand, but nodded heavily and said.

Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin also showed contemplative expressions. Although Gu Fenghua's words were aimed at Le'er, they also had deep feelings - in this world, if one wants to gain the respect of others, one must rely on strong strength ——There is only strong strength.

They suddenly realized that Gu Fenghua was by no means as soft and peaceful as she appeared on the surface. In her heart, she was actually more firm and tenacious than anyone else.

Although it was Luo Enen who made the most of the limelight today, they knew very well that all of this was actually thanks to Gu Fenghua. They all had a premonition that this seemingly delicate and beautiful girl would rise to fame sooner or later, and her achievements would shock everyone, and even become a legend of the Promise Saint Heaven!

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