My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1480 Just Thinking of One Thing

"Let's go, Enen has comprehended the second stage of the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword, and your strength should have improved a little bit." Gu Fenghua said to Han Yangshu and the others.

The faces of Han Yangshu and the others showed surprise. Only then did they think of one thing. After taking the Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill several times, they, like Lonen, had their spiritual sense improved to the limit. Enlightenment has also reached its limit.

Since Luo Enen was able to go one step further and comprehend the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword to the second stage, it means that the Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill refined by Gu Fenghua this time is very different from the previous ones. It means that they can also enter another layer.

In the following days, Luo Enen and the others continued to take the Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill to enhance their spiritual sense, while working hard to comprehend sword skills.

Of course, while cultivating, Luo Enen did not forget to instruct the disciples of the two sects to practice. Under her "Deception" teaching, the strength of the disciples of the outer sect improved by leaps and bounds. Seeing their improvement, there are more and more inner disciples who come to Qingxi Valley to listen to the teachings of the little master—or looking for abuse.

The originally inaccessible Qingxi Valley was overcrowded, and Junior Uncle Luo's reputation grew day by day, even faintly overshadowing the two elders.

In the elegant house, Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen, who was beaming in the distance explaining the holy law of sword skills, and showed a gratified smile: In addition to eating, eating, shopping, and buying, this Miss Luo, who was born with a halo of cheating goods, finally found Although her purpose is probably just to bully others, but no matter what, she has more pursuits than before, doesn't she?

Looking away, Gu Fenghua took out more than a dozen pieces of pure gold and mithril, and began to think about the art of refining weapons.

Finally refined the earth-level Kuqing Pill, and her alchemy skills have been brought to the extreme. Unless her cultivation base is improved, or there are other opportunities, it is impossible for her to refine a higher-quality Kuqing Pill. It is impossible to refine a higher quality Zhengyixuan Shendan.

Instead of continuing to waste time on alchemy, it is better to spend some time to study the art of refining weapons.

Fortunately, after Luo Enen, Han Yangshu and others took her newly refined Zhengyi Xuan Shendan, their spiritual sense has improved a lot, and they have begun to comprehend higher sword skills. As for what they can finally comprehend The degree depends on their own understanding, Gu Fenghua can help them for a while, but it is impossible to help them for a lifetime.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Fenghua slowly made his handprint, and the aura of heaven and earth surged in, condensing an illusory flame, and the fine gold and mithril in front of him also began to melt quietly.

Gu Fenghua sped up the speed, one after another handprints were made quickly and smoothly, and a magic weapon gradually appeared in front of him.

This is a beautifully styled necklace with flowing silver light all over the body, full of agility, and at the same time full of breathtaking beauty.

Of course, if that's all it is, this can only be regarded as a exquisitely crafted ornament, which has nothing to do with the magic weapon. In fact, in addition to its exquisite appearance, this necklace also has a very good defense. Compared with Nanli Patriarchal Clan The beauty of the mirror and the moon are not too much.

Although no matter how hard she worked hard after she helped Lonen refine the Zhengyi Xuan Shen Dan that broke through the bottleneck, there was no progress in the alchemy, but it was not meaningless to try again and again. Her divine sense was better than before. It is much stronger, and the technique of refining weapons taught by Gui Yezi is even more handy, forging bones and building shapes in one go, and refining such a defensive necklace is not difficult at all.

However, Gu Fenghua is not satisfied with such magical artifacts. The biggest purpose of her practice of refining artifacts is to refine the Yaomu tripod. She has an artifact that can not only refine alchemy, but also has both offensive and defensive capabilities. Therefore, this necklace It's just for her to practice, even if it's impossible to really refine it into a divine weapon, at least it must have a trace of spirituality, and its grade is far higher than that of ordinary magical weapons.

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