Then the two went to Zangshu Pavilion to check the history books for a few days, but they didn't find any relevant records. They even suspected that the legend was just a rumor, but later they found out that the Nanli Sect fell, and the time coincided with what Han Yangshu said. Only then did they know that what Han Yangshu said was probably true, and that monster was probably the culprit behind the downfall of Nanli Sect. Only later generations were worried that the leak of this matter would cause the sect disciples to panic, or if it spread out, it would damage the prestige of the sect and attract the coveting hearts of other sects, so they concealed it.

It's a pity that these are only the guesses of the two of them. There are no more detailed records and they cannot be verified. This matter has become a lingering question in the hearts of the two of them, and the last time Han Yangshu's eyes were purple and his mind was in a state of confusion, it has always made Gu Fenghua secretly worried - after all, they are friends, she does not want Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin , Yu Leer and the others encountered the same trouble again.

If the Nanli Eight Formation Diagram is really related to what Han Yangshu said, it can help them solve the mystery, and perhaps even remove hidden dangers.

Of course, Luo Enen didn't think as much as Gu Fenghua, but when curiosity came up, he was very excited.

One after another handprints were quickly opened, and the seal was also broken, and the scroll continued to unfold slowly. I saw a sword glow cutting across the sky, as if tearing apart the sky and the earth, the momentum was shocking. However, the scroll has not been fully unfolded yet, but the whole picture cannot be seen clearly, and the person who shot it cannot be seen.

Luo Enen was even more curious, and continued to print her handprints vigorously, but when it came to the last few seals, no matter how hard she tried, the seals remained silent.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fenghua couldn't help asking.

She could tell that there was nothing wrong with Lonen's skillful and fluent handprints. Even if it was her, she would not be able to master it without practicing hard for a period of time. But even so, she couldn't open the last few seals no matter what. Something is clearly not quite right.

"The Nanli Eight Formation Map is indeed left to me by the master. The last few handprints contain the power of the old man's spiritual sense. I can feel it. But my current spiritual sense is still weaker than his old man's." Some, so I can't break the seal no matter what." Luo Enen stopped her handprints and explained with a sigh.

"It seems that Chang Wanfa is not lying. Your master did tell you not to let them hand over the map of the Nanli eight formations to you too early. Your master left the divine sense in the last few seals. It should be for the same purpose. " Gu Fenghua suddenly realized, thought for a while and then continued, "If that's the case, then you should let it go first, and try again when your cultivation level comes up later."

Since her master had instructed her to add spiritual thoughts to the last few seals, it meant that while the Nanli Eight Formation diagram contained opportunities, it was also likely to hide dangers, so there was no need to take risks.

"With my current strength, I don't know how long I will have to wait to break through the last few seals." Lorn said unwillingly.

"Just wait slowly." Gu Fenghua said.

"How long are you willing to wait in Nanlizong?" Luo Enen asked suddenly.

"Me?" Gu Fenghua was startled, she was about to mention leaving with Luo Enen, but was interrupted by Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian.

"Although the Nanli Sect used to be the Holy Sect, it happened tens of thousands of years ago. The current strength is too ordinary. If we stay here, we will never be able to become truly strong. Therefore, we must leave If you stay one more day, you will waste one more day." Luo Enen continued without waiting for Gu Fenghua's answer.

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