My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1497 I'm Almost Missing You

"Don't you like to eat and wait to die the most, why did you leave?" Gu Fenghua asked jokingly with a smile. In fact, she was not surprised at Lonen's decision to leave together. Although Luo Enen quarrels all day long, eats and waits to die, she has no ambitions, but in fact she has been working hard.

"Because you must leave. I want to follow you, and of course I have to leave. Besides, if you don't leave, how can you find the colorless, how can you find the fat man? After bullying so many people, he still feels the best." Lornen said with a smile full of aftertaste, and then changed the topic, "We may be separated one day, but not now."

Gu Fenghua's heart was touched after hearing Luo Enen's words. Although Lonen laughed and teased her, the last sentence reached her heart. The road to the strong of the few of them will not stop here. Maybe one day they will separate, but that is when their dreams come true.

But, to be honest, she also misses a few friends, especially the cooking skills of Fatty Bai, she really misses it so much that she almost becomes ill.

"The opportunity mentioned by Nanli Bazhentu should be hidden in the sect. If we leave, we don't know when we will come back. Maybe the day lily will be cold by then." Luo Enen said again Start making handprints.

Seeing her insistence, Gu Fenghua felt relieved. She also knew that no matter whether she was still Luo Enen, staying in the Nanli Sect was meaningless. If she wanted to become a real strong person, the sooner she left, the better--cultivation is the same as becoming famous, the earlier the better, after all, the older you are, the better. The stronger the minor cultivation base, the greater the potential for future improvement.

Unknowingly, Luo Enen's face turned pale, and he kept consuming his spiritual thoughts, and the fingers that made the handprints began to tremble slightly. Obviously, with her current cultivation level, even if she learned the handprint taught by her master, it would be too difficult to break the seal.

"Let's stop for a while." Gu Fenghua handed over a holy pill.

"There's no need to waste it, I'll try again." Luo Enen recognized at a glance that it was the Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill. However, her divine sense had already been raised to the limit, and the Zhengyixuan Sage Pill was of little help to her, so she didn't want to waste this good Sacred Pill.

"This Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill is a little different from the previous ones, take it and try again." Gu Fenghua said.

Although she is limited by her cultivation, the Kuqing Pill she refined can only reach the ground level, and the quality of the Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill refined by replacing Xuanxinhua will not be able to break through again, but every time she refines There are still some advantages and disadvantages of Shengdan. This one is the best among them, its pill strength is much stronger than other Zhengyi Xuanshen pills, it can be said that she has tried her best to make a masterpiece of alchemy.

Originally, Gu Fenghua wanted to wait until Lornen's Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword comprehends the limit and got into a critical bottleneck before giving her this holy pill. Seeing that she was so reluctant at this time, he gave it to her in advance.

Seeing that Gu Fenghua spoke seriously, Luo Enen stopped his handprints and took the Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill.

As expected of Gu Fenghua himself, it is the holy pill that even Gu Fenghua himself regards as a treasure. After taking it this time, Luo Enen did not feel much fluctuation in his mood, but he clearly felt that his mind was concentrated, his spiritual sense was raised again, and his eyes also became Even more radiant.

With a flick of his wrist, Lonen made the last few handprints, and a series of magical runes flew towards the scroll like jumping elves.

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