My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1498 Let's see what's good

"Ka", there was a soft cracking sound in the ear, so pleasant, the last few seals finally broke as expected.

The scroll was also fully unfolded, and in the picture scroll, a middle-aged man was seen holding a long sword, as if splitting the sky and the earth.

Although it's just a few strokes, it is very vividly sketched, and the vicissitudes of life are vivid on the paper, which makes people leisurely and fascinated.

"Hey, I don't think I've ever seen the mountain at his feet." Lonen looked away from the man after a while, looking at the majestic mountain at his feet, and said in amazement.

Gu Fenghua is also a little puzzled. She has been in Nanlizong for a long time. Although she dare not say that she knows everything here, she still has some impressions of the mountains and valleys in the sect. Come out, Nanli Sect does not have such a mountain.

Suddenly! Just when the two of them were secretly wondering, in the scroll, the long sword in the middle-aged man's hand slashed down, as if he had come alive from the scroll, Gu Fenghua and the two even had an illusion, even The space in the place seems to be cut open by this sword.

Wait, not as if, but the fact. At the moment when the sword glow fell, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and in an instant, the two of them fell into boundless darkness.

At the same time, faintly visible, half-real lights and shadows emerged, forming an enchantment that enveloped the entire courtyard.


As if in an instant, the light was restored before the eyes again, and the two looked up and looked around, feeling somewhat as if they were separated from each other.

This is a completely strange world, with rubble piled up all around, like ruins, and Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen are on a huge bluestone, which seems to be the center of the ruins.

In the night sky, the stars twinkle, it is the middle of the night. The mist flows between the piles of gravel, thick or light, fast or slow, and the scenery in front of you becomes mysterious and blurred, both real and illusory.

"What's this place?" Lorne looked around and asked curiously.

This is the benefit of thick lines. Suddenly being exposed to this strange world, Miss Luo not only did not have any fear or worry, but was full of curiosity and even a little inexplicable excitement.

"It should still be in Wuji Shengtian, probably in Nanli Sect." Gu Fenghua looked up at the familiar starry sky and Milky Way, and said.

"It's strange, is there such a place in the Nanli Sect?" Luo Enen looked at the unfamiliar scene around him, but couldn't remember that there was such a place in the Nanli Sect. However, she did not doubt Gu Fenghua's judgment, because in addition to the familiar starry sky and Milky Way, she also felt the unique heaven and earth aura of Nanli Sect.

When she returned to the Nanli Sect with her master, she passed through many famous rivers and mountains, and visited several sects along the way. She knew that because of the difference in terrain formations and exotic flowers and plants, each sect's heaven and earth aura has its own unique characteristics. Its own unique air machine.

"It should be a space that is divided and restricted. The Nanli Eight Formation Diagram is the key to open this space." Gu Fenghua guessed.

"Well, it should be like this." Luo Enen is too lazy to think about this kind of thing, anyway, with Gu Fenghua, this kind of thing is left to her to think about it, she will do whatever she says, there will definitely not be any Incorrect.

"It seems that the great opportunity that Chang Wanfa mentioned should be hidden here." Gu Fenghua said.

"Let's go, let's look for it and see if there is any good stuff." Lornen said excitedly.

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