My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1501 Who told you not to have a long memory

But before he finished speaking, Gu Fenghua added another sentence, which made Miss Luo's joy disappear immediately, and her heart fell into the ice valley.

"Anyway, you don't rely on your appearance for a living." Gu Fenghua said so.

Is this a consolation, a consolation full of good intentions?

"Woo... It's still disfigured!" It seems that it is good to fall like this once in a while, it can make people more clear-headed and react faster, Lorn cried loudly.

"Who told you not to have a long memory? You have suffered a big loss, so why are you so impulsive?" Gu Fenghua said angrily. Then he handed her a mirror, "Okay, okay, it's not that serious, can't you still believe that I made the healing elixir with my own hands?"

Luo Enen's cultivation base is not low, and he took the healing elixir in time, and the wound on his face has already healed, but it's just a little bruised. Gu Fenghua said that, but he wanted her to suffer. Learn a lesson, just have a longer memory.

"Hahahaha, let me just say, the fall just now didn't hurt too much, how could it be disfigured." Miss Luo looked at herself in the mirror, and laughed out loud again.

The corners of Gu Fenghua's mouth twitched to the point of numbness, that's not considered pain, how can it be considered pain? I have to admit that Miss Luo not only has a strong psychological endurance, but also has an extremely tenacious vitality. Could it be that this is the legendary Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death?

"By the way, this maze is just piled up with a pile of broken stones. How can it be so powerful?" Luo Enen happily returned the mirror to Gu Fenghua, and asked curiously.

This maze can't be jumped, can't be broken, even if it is made of precious fine gold and mithril, it's nothing more than that. It's really hard to imagine that such a mysterious formation can be laid with only some ordinary stones.

"How can we imagine the means of the sages and strong men?" Gu Fenghua said leisurely.

Although after that catastrophe, the cultivation base of the saint masters in the entire continent has been greatly improved, and the cultivation base skills, sword skills, holy methods, and the way of alchemy, utensils, arrays, and formations are also changing with each passing day, but it should not be underestimated because of this. Those who were strong before.

From Lingtian Academy to Xinghua Temple, then to Feitian Sect, and then to Nanli Sect, Gu Fenghua has read more and more ancient books and history books, and seen more and more cultivation methods and sword skills. There is a feeling that in ancient times, although the skills and sword skills people practiced were a little crude and slow, they were purer and more in line with the principles of heaven and earth. Although the current skills are more subtle, the speed of cultivation is also faster. Fast, but eager for success, on the contrary, it lacks some principles of heaven and earth.

Let’s take the four great techniques of Nanli Sect as an example. They all come from the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword. , but it is still far inferior to the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword.

Of course, Gu Fenghua didn't think that Nanli Sect should give up the four unique skills of the Jizong Fazong and let everyone practice the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword. This sword skill is too difficult to comprehend. It is impossible to learn. Even if you learn it now, if you can't further improve your spiritual sense, your future achievements will be limited. In the end, you may not be able to compare with others who practice the four great skills.

But in any case, the wisdom and strength of the ancients cannot be underestimated.

"Well, that's what you said, so what should we do now?" Luo Enen had already personally experienced the power of the sages and strong men, so of course he had no objection to Gu Fenghua's words, and asked immediately.

"Let's go through the maze first, the so-called chance is mostly behind this maze." Gu Fenghua said.

Gu Fenghua summoned Jiao Juju, and wanted to ask Jiao Juju if there was any way to break through this maze. Jiao Juju glanced around, lowered her head in frustration, and said guiltily: "I can't do anything about this maze, because Juju is too small. When Juju grows up, I can definitely do it."

Seeing Jiaoju's guilty look, Gu Fenghua first felt distressed, and held it for a while to comfort him before putting it back into the demon pet space.

"Xiao Juju can't do anything about it." Luo Enen had known it was a phantom fox a long time ago, and said with some regret.

"It seems that we have to figure out a way to get through by ourselves." Gu Fenghua said, "Juju is still young, and it's a maze, not a phantom. When Juju grows up, maybe the maze won't be too difficult for him .”

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