My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1502 You finally know how to be afraid?

"How to wear it?" Luo Enen touched his face that was still faintly aching, and said with lingering fear.

"Just follow me." Gu Fenghua said confidently.

This labyrinth is indeed infinitely mysterious, if it were someone else, it would be possible to get lost in it and never get out, but relying on her powerful divine sense, Gu Fenghua is confident that as long as she keeps trying, she will definitely be able to pass through the labyrinth.

After a short rest, the two entered the maze again. This time, Gu Fenghua condensed his spiritual thoughts, fully comprehended everything around him, the size and quantity of each pile of rubble, and even the ruggedness under his feet were all imprinted in his mind.

Unknowingly, another hour passed, Gu Fenghua frowned, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"What's the matter?" Luo Enen almost bumped into her inadvertently, and asked in confusion as he managed to stand firm.

"We seem to be back again." Gu Fenghua said with a wry smile.

"Impossible?" Lonen said in disbelief. She knows how powerful Gu Fenghua's divine sense is, but it's really hard to imagine that she will get lost too.

It's a pity that this is the case. After bypassing a pile of gravel, the huge bluestone appeared in front of him again.

"How could this be?" Lonen opened his mouth slightly with surprise on his face.

"This formation is really too mysterious. It is natural to use the terrain to attract the spiritual energy. The mist flows in it, not only disturbing the sight, but even confusing the mind. I just lost my mind for a moment and came back." Gu Fenghua said with a sigh, In my heart, I admire the person who set up this riddle.

If she is given enough time and enough fine gold and mithril, she may be able to form the same formation, but the formation in front of her is completely made of ordinary gravel, and it is naturally formed just by using the terrain to attract aura. . Such an array technique really made her feel ashamed and amazed.

"It's no wonder that Chang Wanfa gave me the map of Nanli's eight formations in advance, and he really didn't have good intentions. Tell me, will we stay here forever and never get out again?" Luo Enen said worriedly.

"You finally know how to be afraid?" Gu Fenghua said jokingly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this to happen. I even forgot what I was going to eat, and the snacks in the storage bracelet won't last for a few days." Luo Enen said with a sad face.

Gu Fenghua patted his forehead, well, she knew that the guy wasn't that easily scared, she was just worried about her stomach.

"Don't worry, you won't die from starvation." Gu Fenghua stopped talking nonsense to her, concentrated for a moment, and walked towards the maze again.

Once, twice, three times...

Several hours later, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen returned to the original point again.

"No way, it's back again." Lonen sat down on the bluestone and groaned in frustration.

Gu Fenghua sat down beside her, staring at the misty stone circle.

After counting, they have gone back and forth in this maze six times. Every time, she tried her best to gather her spiritual thoughts, but there was always a moment of absence, and it was precisely because of this moment of absence that they always Unable to pass through the stone circle, go around and around, and finally return to the original point.

However, Gu Fenghua's face didn't show any dejection, on the contrary, there was a bit of joy.

Ever since Misty Cloud Valley obtained the power of the phoenix, her divine sense has advanced by leaps and bounds, far stronger than ordinary people. The reason why she can have today's cultivation, alchemy, and weapon skills is largely related to this. Gu Fenghua is also extremely proud of his powerful divine sense.

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