My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1507 Even though he died, he was calm without regret

Although it took only one sword to severely injure the red-horned giant python, it still took a little time. At the same time as the sword light fell, other monsters had already rushed in like a tide, and there were even more than ten aurora fire tigers and The Magic Eye Wind Wolf stood side by side with them, and it seemed that they were going to flank them and block their way.

If the two of them ran away with all their strength without delaying that moment, the dozen or so aurora fire tigers and magic-eyed wind wolves might not be able to stop them, but they had no choice but to stop in order to repel the red-horned python. It must be too late to start now. Sure enough, with just a few breaths, those monsters had already rushed forward, blocking their way.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen looked at each other, and raised their long swords again. At this point, they could only do their best to break out of the encirclement.

Although they are also very clear that it is almost impossible to break out from such a powerful herd of beasts! But do they have other options? Even if they knew they were going to die, they had to go all out, and they couldn't just do nothing and wait to be killed.

In each other's eyes, they all saw the calmness of putting death to death and living with no regrets. The way of cultivation is already full of crises. In the tens of thousands of years of history of Tianji Continent and Wuji Shengtian, countless geniuses have fallen like meteors, and they are not even known to the world. Who can guarantee that they will be able to reach the end. Become the legendary strong?

From the day they decided to pursue the way of the real strong, they have been prepared to face all dangers, no matter what they encounter, they can face it calmly.

The roars of the beasts came and went, and the earth trembled endlessly with the galloping of the herd of beasts.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!"

"Nine Heavens, Phantom Thunder!" The long swords of the two of them slashed out at the same time again.

A demon-eyed wind wolf who had just stood in front of him was the first to be hit by the combined sword light. Just like in the Nether Sand Sea, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's concentrated sword is not perfect every time, nor is it able to exert the greatest power every time, but fortunately, this group of monsters Not every beast can have the strength of that red-horned python.

The magic-eyed wind wolf in front of me just breaks through the bloodline restriction and can reach the strength of a seventh-order monster. It is at most equivalent to the second-rank or third-rank Profound Sage, so how can it resist the joint efforts of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen? sword. Without even having time to utter a whimper, the demon-eyed wind wolf was blasted into pieces by the tyrannical sword light and thunder, and the blood mist drifted out.

With one sword in hand, Gu Fenghua and the two also realized that not all of these monsters were as tyrannical as they had imagined, and their spirits were lifted for a while.

"One sword, shocking!" Gu Fenghua cut out the long sword again without hesitation. Compared with a sword that shocked the world, although the power of the sword weeping ghosts and gods comprehended after being promoted to Xuansheng has been greatly improved, the consumption of holy energy is also greatly increased. Since not every monster is like the red-horned python As powerful as she is, of course she doesn't need to waste her holy energy.

"Nine Heavens, Phantom Thunder!" Although Luo Enen's Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword is the number one skill of Nanli Sect, when it comes to mystery and subtlety, there is still a big gap compared with Gu Fenghua's Eight Swords Returning to Yuan. The consumption of holy energy It's also much smaller, so you don't have to worry about that. Of course, with her strength, if she still wanted to preserve her strength at this time, it would be tantamount to courting death.

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