The sword light fell and thunder roared, and another Aurora Fire Tiger was sent flying. Although it was not broken into pieces like the previous Demon Eyed Wind Wolf, a big hole was opened in the chest, and the ribs were broken, obviously alive. Before long, it is impossible to have the power to fight again.

At the same time that the aurora fire tiger was seriously injured, another red-horned python quietly came behind Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, and violently raised its tail and swept it up. There was a crisp crackling sound, and a blue lightning exploded violently. This red-horned python, like the demon-eyed wind wolves before, was blown away by the lightning defense of Lornen Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword , although the injury was not serious, but also paralyzed and collapsed to the ground.

If it was a normal monster, seeing its companion die so tragically and seriously injured, it would probably retreat. After all, the wisdom of monsters is not low, and their strength has reached a certain level, and they are not even weaker than humans.

But these monsters in front of them have long lost their intelligence, and in their empty eyes, there is only the desire to kill and bloodthirsty. The tragic death and serious injury of their companions did not make them feel the slightest bit of fear, on the contrary they became even crazier, and continued to pounce on Gu Fenghua and Lornen one after another.

The sword rose, the sword fell, and the long sword in his hand fell one after another, and the blood mist also drifted out again and again.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and the clothes of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were also soaked in bright red.

After a while, dozens of monsters were already killed by their swords, but more monsters gathered around.

Although relying on the powerful power of Gu Fenghua's Eight Swords Guiyuan and Luo Enen's solid defense of the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword, ordinary monsters are not their opponents at all, but there are too many monsters, even if Gu Fenghua wants to save the saint Qi, instead of using a sword to weep ghosts and gods, he used a sword to shake the world. The consumption of holy energy still far exceeded his own recovery speed, and soon he felt that his strength was exhausted.

Even she is like this, not to mention Luo Enen. Although the consumption of the holy energy of the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword is not as great as that of a sword weeping ghosts and gods, don't forget that her cultivation of the first rank of Profound Sage is not enough. Gu Fenghua is at the third level. She continued to attack with all her strength, and her face was already as pale as paper.

The two of them could only seize every opportunity to repel the monsters and keep taking the holy pills, but even so, the holy energy still poured out along the sword glow like a flood.

The fingers holding the long sword have already begun to tremble slightly, and their legs are also as heavy as lead. Every time they cut out the long sword, it seems that they have exhausted their last strength... At this time, they are completely incapacitated. Persevering with willpower.

But they knew that if they continued like this, they wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Do you really want to die here? After splitting an aurora fire tiger that had jumped in front of him with a sword, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen looked at each other again. Although they didn't speak, they understood the meaning in each other's eyes, and the holy spirit in each other They are already on the verge of exhaustion, and the next strike may really be the last strike of the two of them.

Suddenly, a bright light came into view, as if lightning tore the sky.

Sword light! Although they were all exhausted, and even their consciousness became somewhat blurred, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen could still tell at a glance that it was a sword light.

The power of this sword light far surpassed any strong man they had ever seen. They even had a feeling that even Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian, the two strong men in the heavenly sage realm, could not display such sword power.

Who is it that has such strength?

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