My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1514 Which round will get us?

In a battle between monsters, Jiao Jiao was brutally killed by another divine beast, but was resurrected and reborn by relying on the blood of the divine beast. But after the resurrection, the Jiaojiao is completely different from before, because it originally only has half of the blood of the beast, so after the resurrection, the other half of the blood is awakened, not only the appearance becomes fierce and hideous, but also the mind is lost and the temperament changes drastically, becoming brutal, ferocious and bloodthirsty He is ruthless, and especially likes to eat people. Wherever he goes, countless people have been killed by him.

Jiao Jiao's atrocities aroused the anger of the human saint, and a peerless powerhouse stepped forward and shot him to death with a divine arrow. Although Jiao Jiao died, his blood continued. Probably because of the resurrection and rebirth, none of its descendants inherited the appearance of the divine beast, all of them were as ferocious and murderous as it, but at the same time they inherited the power of the divine beast.

Such a ferocious beast not only makes humans fear it, but even other monsters shy away from it, not daring to easily become enemies with it. Jiao Jiao is therefore one of the twelve beasts.

If the monster race of Jiaojiao continues to this day, I don’t know how many people will become nightmares, but fortunately, like many monsters in legends, the Jiaojiao family also disappeared from this world after that catastrophe Some people say that the whole family was wiped out, while others said that it broke the void and went to other planes. In short, regardless of Tianji Continent or Wuji Shengtian, there has never been a trace of Jiao Jiao for tens of thousands of years.

Who would have thought that the monster that caused Nanli Zong to be devastated, and even almost wiped out, was actually the long-disappeared Jiao Jiao in the legend. The size of the world is indeed full of wonders.

"Master, the elders of our line come to the Nanli Eight Formation Map every time they are dying, just to kill the monster, avenge the suzerain and the elders, and retrieve their relics by the way?" Luo It took a while for Enen to calm down, and then asked.

"If you can kill them, you'll kill them long ago. Which round will you get us?" Zhong Nantian smiled wryly, and said, "Our only duty is to strengthen the formation and continue to trap Jiao, so that the Nanli Sect can be safe and sound." passed on."

"Back then, the suzerain and the two elders sealed themselves in Nanli Valley, leaving only the scroll. The entire Nanli sect was in a mess without a leader. No one knew what to do. The last few leaders discussed it. Decided to comprehend the scroll first, and find a way to find the Sovereign Lord before making arrangements.

It took more than ten years for the patriarch of our lineage to break the seal of the scroll and enter the Nanli Eight Formation Diagram. At that time, not only the two elders had already died in battle, but even the lord suzerain was injured and passed away. He only left a last word before his death, ordering the younger generation disciples to come to the Nanli eight formations every thousand years to strengthen the formation.

One is to prevent Jiao Jiao from getting out of trouble and bring disaster to the Nanli Sect, and the other is to keep the last demon spirit essence of Jiuqiao Spiritual Heart Wood, so that it must not fall into the hands of Jiao Jiao, otherwise it will be destroyed. Its strength must go one level higher, and even break through the bloodline limit, even Nanli's eight formations can't trap it.

Although the suzerain lord's last words required the disciples of future generations to come in every thousand years to strengthen the formation, but for the sake of safety, the patriarch of our line established another rule. The elders of the future generations not only have to come in every thousand years, You must also come at this time, and inject your life's cultivation into the formation. "After thinking about it, Zhong Nantian explained in detail.

"Master, do you mean that the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood is still there?" After hearing what Master said, Luo Enen was surprised again. According to what Zhong Nantian said, that Jiaojiao appeared in Nanli Sect, apparently to snatch the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood. Tens of thousands of years have passed, Luo Enen thought that he had already succeeded, but he was trapped in the formation and could not escape, but he did not expect that the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood is still there.

Having seen with her own eyes how powerful the Demon Soul Wood is, she is naturally fascinated by the legendary Eight Great Demon Trees.

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